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How Much Do Sugar Babies Make? The Average Allowance Is…

How much do sugar babies make? If there is one thing everybody wants to know, it is the average sugar baby allowance.

And there’s good reason why this is one of the most popular sugar questions of all time. It’s not just nosy curiosity. It’s practical. After all, if you’re going to become a sugar baby, you want to know how much you can expect to make.

Ditto for if you want to be a sugar daddy – you want to know how much a sugar daddy should pay a sugar baby.

So let’s dive into this. We’re going to cover:

  • The various forms of sugar baby allowance
  • What the average sugar baby allowance is
  • How much sugar babies actually make
  • The most important thing when it comes to sugar baby salaries

Let’s dig in.

What Exactly is a Sugar Baby Allowance?

There are many ways to describe the financial assistance that a sugar baby receives. You can call it gifts, a sugar baby salary, a sugar baby allowance, and so on.

The reason why there are so many terms and descriptions is because there are no rules for how much a sugar baby makes and how she receives the financial assistance.

Read: How Do Sugar Babies Get Paid? 7 Safe Ways to Receive Money

That’s why it’s nearly impossible to say what exactly what a sugar baby makes. It can take on so many forms. For example, a sugar baby could be paid by:

  • Having rent and all bills paid
  • A regular monthly allowance
  • Charging by the hour or chunks of time
  • Having tuition fees or student loans paid for
  • Landing a serious relationship or even marriage with a wealthy partner
  • Being paid a set amount every time you meet, aka PPM
  • Receiving gifts of luxury goods, vacations, and meals out

As you can see, some of the ways sugar babies are compensated don’t even require the exchange of money. While other ways are more transactional – i.e. $xxx for x hours.

So why does it differ so much?

Simply put, every sugar baby has different needs and priorities. And sugar daddies also vary in their own preferences. As such, every sugar relationship is different and the form of financial compensation can vary hugely.

All that being said, it’s safe to say that the majority of sugar relationships have two main ways of getting paid: the sugar baby allowance or Pay Per Meet (PPM). Let’s take a look at the average sugar baby allowance for each type of arrangement…

What is the Average Sugar Baby Allowance?

Here’s one truth that you need to know about the average sugar baby allowance: it varies.

Read: The Ultimate Sugar Baby Allowance Guide 2023

In fact, we’d go so far as to say that asking how much the average sugar baby allowance is is sort of like asking how much the average rent is. As you know, rent can vary widely depending on factors like location, the length of the lease, and the sort of property in question. Even within one area, rents can vary a lot.

So what is the average sugar baby allowance?

From both research and our experience in running this website, we’d say that there is no such thing as an average sugar baby allowance. The truth lies in not a number, but a range. Here’s a rough estimate of what you can expect…

The Average Sugar Baby Monthly Allowance

The average sugar baby monthly allowance varies a lot depending on location. And even then, there is a pretty large range. Here’s what you can expect:

  • Big cities with high cost of living: $2,000 to $10,000 per month
  • Smaller cities with lower cost of living: $1,000 to $5,000 per month

Now let’s see how it compares to a sugar baby allowance per visit…

The Average Sugar Baby Allowance Per Visit

Again, the sugar baby allowance per visit varies depending on your location. Here’s a snapshot of what you can expect:

For big cities with a plethora of well-to-do sugar daddies and high cost of living, the typical sugar baby allowance per visit is around $200 and can go up to $1,500.

  • Low end: $200 – $400
  • Average: $500 – $700
  • High end: $1000 – $1500

Surprisingly though, in smaller cities, the range doesn’t vary as much as it does for monthly allowances. As a sugar baby, you can expect a sugar baby allowance per visit between $150 to $1,000.

  • Low end: $150 – $300
  • Average: $200 – $500
  • High end: $600 – $1000

Why is there such a wide range, you wonder? Well, PPM can consist of a platonic dinner date, which will typically have a sugar baby allowance per visit on the lower end. On the other hand, if the date consists of an overnight stay, the price will veer into the higher end.

Intrigued by the idea of a sugar baby allowance per visit? You can try it out without any commitments – What’s Your Price allows you to set a price for a date with a sugar daddy. It’s a no-pressure way to try out sugar dating for both parties.

The Research Behind Sugar Baby Allowances

Here’s the thing: there is no census data for sugar baby salaries. But although we have no idea of finding out exactly what every sugar baby makes, there is enough information out there for you to get a very good sense of the average sugar baby allowance.

Here are some starting points.

Seeking Says…

Seeking, formerly known as Seeking Arrangements, is the source of one of the most popularly quoted amounts for what sugar babies make.

For example, a quick Google search will pull up several websites that claim that the average sugar baby makes $2,800 per month. This number shows up on articles by Love Panky, Business Insider, and Money.com. But what’s this number based on?

Well, the number is actually based on a report provided by Seeking at the organization’s 2018 summit. And while it is a bit outdated and very general, it gives a good rough estimate for what an average sugar baby allowance can be.

Reddit Research…

A useful resource for getting a look into the average sugar baby allowance is Reddit. Specifically, the master threads in which hundreds of sugar babies post what they get per month, including any extras like gifts, travel and other luxuries.

Locations are also posted and often, both the sugar baby’s and daddy’s age, so you can get an idea of what you can expect depending on where in the world you are.

Here are some answers from both sugar babies and daddies:

  • (Seattle, US) $7k monthly allowance, rent paid for ($2.5k/month), car paid for ($15k), college tuition paid for, plus any spa days
  • (Georgia, US) $500 weekly allowance, shopping trips ($1k – $2k/month), plus spa days and trips
  • (Toronto, CA) $600 average PPM
  • (London, UK) $3.5k monthly allowance for 2 to 3 meetings per month, plus gifts given every meeting
  • (Tampa, US) $500 weekly allowance for once a week meeting, plus shopping trips
  • (Portland, US) $600 PPM, meet about 3 times a month
  • (NYC, US) $6k monthly allowance, apartment paid for and gifts
  • (Boston, US) $400 PPM plus travel and gifts

As you can see, when it comes to real life sugar baby allowances, there is a massive range. A lot of factors play into it – location, frequency, gifts – that it’s hard to pinpoint a general range.

That being said, there is strength in numbers. If you notice a general trend across locations, you can get a good estimate of what the going rate is.

Media Sources

Of course, we can’t ignore the plethora of first hand experiences of being a sugar baby that pop up on mass media from time to time. Here are just some examples:

  • This sugar baby on Business Insider typically got paid $500 a date, received designer shoes and outfits as gifts, was treated to lavish dinners and luxury trips.
  • Charlotte Davies, 24, told New York Post that she gets paid $250 per date and juggles 10 different sugar daddies, who also take her shopping, to spas, on trips, and pay for everything.
  • A NY-based writer wrote for The Cut that her sugar relationship with an investment banker in his late 30s paid her $2,500 a month and she lived in his luxury loft. Other perks included a fancy gym membership, eating out daily at fabulous restaurants, tropical vacations, designer lingeries, and organic groceries.

Even from first-hand accounts that real life sugar babies share with the media, it’s apparent that sugar baby relationships and allowances range a lot. And allowance alone doesn’t tell the full picture. It’s also the little luxuries – travel, restaurants, gifts – that add to the sugar baby experience.

Our Experience

We’ve ran this sugar dating website that you’re reading for around a decade now. In that time, we’ve heard from a lot of players in the sugar world.

There have been sugar babies who received $200 for sugar baby allowance per visit as well as sugar babies who received thousands per month and had luxury condos provided for them as well.

There have been sugar babies who have their mortgage and bills paid for on top of a monthly allowance as well as sugar babies who received no allowance but were spoiled with luxury vacations and gifts.

And of course, there are the sugar babies who were in it for the career mentoring and connections as well as the sugar babes who ended up marrying their sugar daddies.

In short, the one thing you can count on in the sugar world is that there is a lid for every pot.

One sugar baby, Caitlin aka Plain Jane, put it best:

“I’ve met all sorts of sugar daddies. One ran a cash business and would literally give me everything he had in his wallet whenever we met up for a date. Another sugar daddy paid for me to fly out to his location, dinners out, spa days, as well as a Pay Per Meet amount of about $800. We met once a week.

Another sugar daddy wanted a long-term live-in girlfriend situation where all my expenses were paid for, aka a kept woman, but no money exchanged hands. My favorite sugar daddy agreed to a monthly allowance of $4,500 and I also had a car leased for me as well as cash bonus gifts and shopping sprees.

As you can see, the sources vary. But when you take them all together, they paint a reasonable estimate on how much sugar babies make.

So How Much Do Sugar Babies Make?

As you know by now, the average sugar baby monthly allowance can vary a lot.

But from the sugar babies we’ve talked to, our understanding is that the typical range for the average sugar baby allowance is $2,000 to $10,000 per month if you’re living in a big city with plenty of wealthy, successful sugar daddies.

For smaller cities with a dearth of sugar daddies – and thus lots of competition from other sugar babies – as well as less well-paid industries, the average sugar baby monthly allowance seems to range from around $1,000 to $5,000 per month.

But again, it’s almost impossible to say. For starters, there’s no set salary for being a sugar baby. Plus, sugar babies have different goals. Some enter the sugar bowl to meet wealthy, generous men who can treat them to a better lifestyle.

Others want a dependable allowance that shows up every week or month without ever needing to be mentioned. And some sugar babies are thinking long-term rather than monthly allowances. Their ultimate goal is to snag a successful husband.

The most important thing about a sugar baby salary is this: It needs to work for you and the sugar daddy you’re in an arrangement with.

Read: The Most Reasonable Sugar Baby Allowance Calculator

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter how much the average sugar baby makes. If you manage to secure a sugar baby allowance that allows you to meet your goals and makes you happy, then you’ve made it in the sugar world.

Want to share your experiences on how much you’ve made as a sugar baby or how much you’ve paid as a sugar daddy? Let us know in the comments!

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