Hello, I’m a Canadian sugar baby and I’m the least likely person to have been a sugar baby. In fact, I can hardly believe it myself.
This is my sugar baby experience and the most surprising things I’ve learned along the journey.
Tell us about yourself: who are you?
Hello to everyone! I’m going to call myself The Classy Prude. I know what you’re thinking, prude isn’t a very nice word to call myself, so let me explain.
I’m a 21-year-old law student from Montreal, Canada, who never in a million years would have thought about entering the sugar world. Why?
Well, I knew that if I could barely assemble the courage to have sex with my high school sweetheart, there was no way I’d be spreading my legs for some older man who was paying me!
But here we are, one year after I first created my profile on Seeking.
We grow, we experience, and our point of view changes. But most importantly, we learn what we want and how to get it, and I’m going to teach you.
What were your goals in starting the sugar journey?
This one is a tough question because I genuinely have no idea what I was thinking when I created a profile on Seeking.com on a lonely summer night at 1:00 AM.
I guess I was looking for some sort of exhilaration, someone who would take me out to do fun things, oh and of course, let’s be real here – money!
Read: How to Set Sugar Baby Goals that Get You Everything You Want
My goal was to find one person and keep him as my sugar daddy for the rest of my days, but clearly that’s not what happened.
What do you wish you had known when you were first starting out?
It’s a process. A journey. Your first arrangement will not be the perfect one that lasts forever.
You will meet SO many different types of men. Some will genuinely want to get to know you for the intelligent, fierce and powerful woman you are. They will be fascinated by your brain and your stories and the life you live.
But some will have eyes for one thing and one thing only – your body. They wear lenses that morph every girl they encounter into a piece of meat, and boy, are they arrogant.
Read: 8 Types of Sugar Daddies and How to Date Them
But don’t worry, naïve, scared and uncertain Me, you will figure this out and it will be so worth it.
Where and how did you meet your sugar daddy?
I met my first sugar daddy on Seeking.com, maybe about one week after creating my profile. Shockingly enough, I decided to meet someone who I had never even seen a picture of.
Yup, you guessed it – classic married sugar daddy who didn’t want to share social media or share a single photo for “discretion reasons.”
What he wanted seemed simple : a way to escape his day-to-day reality with work and children, someone to talk to and spend time with.
We met in the parking lot of a shopping mall and he came to sit in my car for about 20 minutes just to chat and see if we had a connection. This might sound funny but I think I really stood out to him because I was so freakin’ nervous!
I could hardly look him in the eye, my hands were trembling, I was acting like a jumpy mess… I kept apologizing for being so anxious and I must have said 20 times that he was the first person I ever met from the sugar world.
So let me just paint the picture: here’s this man who’s already had 6 successful arrangements before, being the “first meet” for a cute, innocent looking girl.
I think that’s what charmed him, because he saw me as a lost puppy who he could guide and mentor through this frightening yet incredible world.
What’s your favorite thing about being a sugar baby?
This might sound corny, but honestly it is the relationship that you form with some truly amazing people. Yes, many men on these sites are creepy and definitely not worth your time.
But when (notice I didn’t say if!) you get lucky, you won’t only strike big in the money department, but in the emotional one as well.
I think some of the most incredible “heart to hearts” I’ve had in my entire life have been with my sugar daddies.
Since this person is obviously much older than you are, often they have a lot of wisdom to share, and if you approach it properly, any sugar daddy loves to talk, whether it be about business, relationships, life, family…So my favorite thing is definitely the rich emotional connections I’ve had.
How do you keep your sugar relationship spicy/fun/interesting?
At the beginning, and I feel like this is far too common, I thought that spicing things up in the bedroom was the only way to keep things interesting. But here’s a lesson I wish I learnt earlier – it’s SO not!
There are so many ways to keep things fun!
One of my prime tactics is buying my sugar daddy the occasional gift. I know, I know, you’re thinking WHAT?!
But just think about it, your sugar daddy is doing soooo much for you financially, why not just once hand pick a personalized gift for him just to show him how special he really is and how much you appreciate him.
It doesn’t have to be something fancy and expensive, hell it could even be a handmade card where you write him a poem, a picture of you guys in a cute picture frame, matching anything for you both…
One thing is for sure – they will not be expecting it and it will take them by surprise, and that’s the point. I guarantee that you will watch his face light up, he will be so touched and he will be eternally grateful, no matter how small the gift.
What advice would you give to aspiring sugar babies?
Too many sugar babies belittle themselves and think that the sugar daddy always wears the pants. You might think that since the man is the one paying, he’s in charge.
WRONG! Girl, listen up, because I am about to spill the realest facts that every boss sugar baby should know: YOU are the most powerful person in the arrangement.
You call the shots, you pull the rope, and most importantly, you stand your frickin’ ground and you can say yes or no as you please.
Any sugar daddy who doesn’t believe this just simply does not deserve your time. You are worth so much more to him than you think; your company, energy, beauty, effortless charm… is priceless to him, so trust me, babe, you’re the one in the powerful position and not the other way around.