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13 Sugar Daddy Red Flags You Should Never Ignore

Sugar daddy red flags span the range. Some are mild, amber warning signs that can mean that a particular sugar daddy is simply inconsiderate. Others are bright red flags that guarantee the man is a fake sugar daddy.

And then there are the glaring, crimson flags that you really need to watch out for. Because those sugar daddy red flags are surefire signs of a sugar daddy scam.

No matter what the red flag is, we can promise you one thing: If you’re a sugar baby, you need to know about them.

Because learning how to quickly spot sugar daddy red flags can be the very thing that keeps you safe during your journey into the sugar world.

That’s why this list exists. We’re going to go in-depth because it’s easy to recognize red flags when they’re happening to someone else.

But when you’re desperate for money and you’re being promised the solution to all your financial problems, it can be tempting to ignore even the brightest red flags.

So which sugar daddy red flags should you be alert for? Here’s the list.

#1. He Asks You for Personal Security Info

Sugar daddies can ask a lot of personal questions. Why’d you decide to be a sugar baby? Have you ever been with another woman? Where was the best place you’ve traveled to? What’s the wildest thing you’ve done in bed?

Some questions may feel very personal. But one thing that a legit sugar daddy will never ask you for is personal security info.

That includes things like:

  • Your social security number
  • Driver’s license number
  • Your bank or credit card login

So if a potential sugar daddy you’ve been talking to asks for the login information to your bank or credit cards, that is just not kosher.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: This isn’t just a red flag. It’s a very common sugar daddy scam. In fact, if anyone who asks you for personal security info, you can rest assured that it is 100% a scam.

#2. Sugar Baby Allowance at the End

You’ve met a sugar daddy. He agrees to an allowance – the amount you want! You’re elated. It’s finally happening.

But wait – he wants to pay your allowance at the end of the month. He’s been burned before, he claims, by a sugar baby who ran off with the allowance as soon as she received it.

It doesn’t matter how believable his reasons are. Approach with caution.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: A sugar daddy who suggests that you enter into a full-blown sugar relationship and that he’ll pay your allowance at the end of the month is basically asking to test drive you.

Chances are, he’ll use that month to get his benefits and then he’ll be gone.

Do not agree to this. Instead, opt for the pay-per-meet option until you develop more trust in the relationship. If he doesn’t agree to that, then you know what his true intentions were.

#3. He Wants to Take You Off the Market

Of course, this isn’t always a red flag. When you find a sugar daddy that you like and begin an arrangement, he’ll probably ask you to take your profile off any sugar daddy websites.

But if you’ve been chatting with a potential sugar daddy for all of 20 minutes and he wants you to delete your profile? Well, that’s a red flag.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: He says he’s sure about you. Your sugar daddy search ends with him. And yet you two have never met. You barely even know each other!

The reason he wants you to delete your profile is so that it’s more difficult for you to report him once he’s tried to scam you on ‘unpoliced’ platforms like WhatsApp or Hangouts.

#4. What?! You Want Money?!

You’ve met a potential sugar daddy on a sugar daddy website. You know what’s up. He knows what’s up. And yet, he wants to talk about anything but the actual arrangement.

When the conversation of money comes up, he waives it away. Maybe he even gets angry about how you’re just using him. Or he guilt trips you for only being interested in the money. He claims he doesn’t want the relationship to feel so “transactional.”

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: Because he’s a salt daddy who has no intention of ever giving you any sugar.

These men go on sugar daddy websites hoping to get some “benefits” out of you before you realize that they’re not going to give you anything in return. They have no intention of fulfilling their end of a mutually beneficial relationship.

We recommend you cut them out quickly and don’t even engage. These types tend to get very defensive and angry when called out.

#5. He Gives You Too Much “Proof”

Sugar daddies are meant to be rich, successful, living the good life. So you don’t think too much of it when a potential sugar daddy sends you a picture of his yacht.

But then, he sends you a picture of a load of cash. Okay.

Then comes some screenshots of his bank account balance(s). Maybe even some screenshots of large sums of money sent to his previous sugar babies.

That’s when you need to cut this guy loose.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: Sugar daddies are generally well off. They may enjoy taking pictures of their luxury cars and hobbies. But no legitimate sugar daddy is going to feel the need to ‘prove’ himself like that to you.

If he does, it’s because he’s trying to portray himself as a very rich man so that you’ll be more likely to trust him when he tries to scam you.

#6. It’s Sexual From the Start

One of the biggest sugar daddy red flags is when a potential sugar daddy tries to get too sexual, too fast.

You ask what he’s looking for and he replies something about “kinky, nsa fun.” He immediately starts asking what you like in bed. He wants to jump on the phone and immediately starts talking dirty. He asks to meet quickly – maybe even tonight! – and he’ll get a hotel room. You know, just in case. Winky emoji.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: A sugar relationship is still a relationship. If a potential sugar daddy shows no interest in getting to know you beyond the sexual, that’s because that’s the only thing he’s interested in. Not an arrangement. Not mutual benefits. He just wants to benefit himself.

You’re not a free phone sex operator. You’re not an unpaid traveling escort. So do yourself a favor and stop talking to men like this. In our experience, they rarely keep their side of the deal. And even if they do, it’s rarely worth it.

#7. You Need to Pay

One of the most glaring sugar daddy red flags is if you are asked to pay. It’s usually presented as a situation where you have to pay something in order to receive what you’re promised.

This applies to all of these scenarios:

  • He sent you a large allowance via PayPal. But you need to pay a small fee to get it.
  • You’ll be sent a hefty sum to a prepaid card. But you first need to buy and load it yourself.
  • You need to buy a gift card worth $xxx to get your allowance.

And any variation that requires you to first spend in order to receive anything.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: This isn’t just a sugar daddy red flag. It’s a popular sugar daddy scam.

There’s a reason a sugar daddy is called a sugar daddy – they provide the sugar. A genuine sugar daddy will never ask you to buy anything yourself. Not a gift card. Or a prepaid credit card. Nada.

In fact, legit sugar daddies will pay the way for pretty much everything. The only thing a legit sugar daddy may have you cover is the Uber fare you take over for your first date. And even that – most genuine sugar daddies will cover it.

#8. His Wording is Strange

Of course, not every genuine sugar daddy is going to be a wordsmith. But if there is something strange about a potential sugar daddy’s wording, it should raise a red flag.

We’re not just talking about typos and grammatical errors, we mean overall syntax. Does he misuse pronouns? Strange formatting? Random capitalization? Odd phrases?

Here are a few examples of scammy sugar daddy message that show what we mean:

“Hello, pretty, nice to meet you. I your profile pictures especially i’ll be happy if you text me back. I’d love to be your sugar Daddy, while you be my sugar baby, my sugar girl and I’ll be here to take care of you and get you paid weekly. My payment start from $5000 if you’re interested.”

“Hello beautiful can you be my sugar baby I’m ready to help you and you gonna get paid weekly let me know whenyy you’re ready I’m not interested in any nudes just chat with me everyday and you gonna get paid for that kindly text…”

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: Everybody can make the odd typo or confuse a homonym or two, but if the overall wording is strange, that’s probably because the potential sugar daddy is not who he claims to be and is not from where he says he is.

#9. It sounds too good to be true

Some sugar daddies are truly generous. They won’t be stingy when offering you an allowance that fits what you’re worth (a lot). However, there’s no such thing as free handouts.

Sugar daddies are smart, successful men. They did not get to where they are by giving something for nothing. So if your potential sugar daddy is offering a hefty monthly allowance in exchange for, well, nothing, there’s a chance that he isn’t the CEO that he says he is, and is planning to scam you.

This is especially true if you two have never met. There are tons of sugar babies out there, so why would he open his wallet to a stranger if he can do the same to someone he’s actually met a few times? Be on your toes, and trust your gut instinct.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: Just ask yourself – why would a good-looking, successful, wealthy man give money to a totally random stranger he has no connection with and never meets or gains any value from? You’re right. He wouldn’t.

#10. This Needs to Happen! Right NOW!

There’s being eager. And then there’s being pushy. A potential sugar daddy may know exactly what he’s looking for and when he finds it – you! – he may be excited to get to know you and work out an arrangement.

It’s also the case that some sugar daddies have very busy work schedules. So if he’s only in your area for a limited amount of time, he may be assertive in pushing for a quick meet up.

That’s all fine. As long as he isn’t trying to force you into compliance.

But if a potential sugar daddy starts pressuring you to do things you’re not comfortable with, be wary. Especially if he creates a sense of urgency:

  • “If it doesn’t happen now, I won’t be here”
  • “There are other sugar babies who can meet me immediately”
  • “This needs to be done now or you won’t get anything”

If he’s dangling benefits as a limited time offer and trying to pressure you into doing something without giving you the time to fully think it through, the chances are that he’s up to no good.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: Giving you a false sense of urgency is a tactic so that you won’t have time to thoroughly think through what is in your best interest. This pressure also prevents you from seeking rational advice from someone you trust or even doing proper research. This is why it’s a common trick used in scams.

In the worst case scenario, a sugar daddy who pressures you is trying to put you in a frantic mental state so that it’s easier to scam you. In the best case scenario, he’s an inconsiderate person who doesn’t care about your comfort.

Either way, he doesn’t deserve your time.

#11. He Wants to Meet You Somewhere Private

A sugar daddy wants to finally meet you. He’s talking the talk and making lots of promises. You’re excited for this first sugar date…until he asks you to come to his hotel room. Or to his beach house. Or anywhere that is a private, isolated location.

It doesn’t matter how valid his reasons are. Perhaps he’s married and doesn’t want to risk discovery. Maybe he’s an important public figure and needs to keep things as discreet as possible. Or maybe he just appreciates good old-fashioned privacy.

Ultimately, it doesn’t matter. Your need for safety trumps his need for an intimate first meeting.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: It’s always risky to meet a complete stranger in a private location. That’s why it’s one of the most important rules of sugar baby safety. You already know the worst that can happen. It’s not worth the risk to you.

#12. He asks you for nudes before meeting

A respectful sugar daddy should never ask you for nudes. Especially before you are in an arrangement. Genuine sugar daddies are kind and courteous, and they never pressure a sugar baby to do something they’re uncomfortable with. If he asks for nudes or other provocative pictures, that’s a big no-no.

If you both have an established relationship and he’s proved to be real sugar, and you’re comfortable, go for it! If not, block him and don’t look back. These “sugar daddies” are just fishing for nudes and won’t actually reward you for them.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: At worst, it could be a scam. There is the risk that he could use the nudes to blackmail you or even sell the images online. But even if it’s not a scam – for example, a fake sugar daddy just wants to use your nudes without providing anything in return, it’s still not worth the risk.

Whether it’s a scam or just a fake sugar daddy, there’s no upside for you either way.

#13. He Doesn’t Want to Wear a Condom

Most sugar relationships have a sexual component, which is why it’s important to protect yourself sexually just as much as you would physically, emotionally, and financially.

And this is why it’s one of the biggest sugar daddy red flags when a potential sugar daddy claims to “not like using condoms.”

Unless you’re in a relationship with your sugar daddy that’s:

  • Sexually exclusive
  • Trusting and respectful
  • Got one or both of you on birth control, i.e. vasectomy, IUD, etc.

If you don’t met the above criteria, a sugar daddy should absolutely be willing to wear a condom.

Why It’s a Sugar Daddy Red Flag: You don’t need us to tell you the risks that come with unprotected sex. STDs. Pregnancy.

Both you and your sugar daddy should care enough about each other to make sure these risks don’t come to fruition. A sugar daddy who doesn’t care is not a sugar daddy that’s worth the risk.

Updated on March 12, 2023

511 thoughts on “13 Sugar Daddy Red Flags You Should Never Ignore”

  1. I got scammed pretty bad. If it weren’t for my daily withdraw limit, I’d be screwed. My sugar daddy offered a lot of money and I assumed he was just some desperate, lonely, rich guy. He said he was working as a contractor for construction on private government buildings. It’s pretty obvious now that I think about it. I was just blinded by my need of money. He ended up only taking 200 (luckily) since my bank caught on that there was an attempt at a large purchase of Apple cards. He had told me he needed a program on his laptop to finish his work and he could see me after. Long story short, after a long time talking, he asked for my Wells Fargo info to log in and take a picture of a check and deposit it to him. It was about 2k and he wanted 600 for programs for 2 laptops, and a deposit of 1000 to Western Union. When I went to get the Apple cards, a lady told me scammers pick iTunes cards and Western Union to take your money without a trace. After that I asked more questions and only did 200. He took it and never responded.

    • Well I’m in the same situation but I think I stopped it cause he’s offering 200 a week and then he had my information and deposit a big sum of like 1700 and 1200 and wanted me to send it to western union and my bank already caught the bad check from the 1700 so I changed all my info on my bank so they can’t get it but I hope that’ll stop them cause I was aguing to his “accountant” and I told him I’m not stealing any money I’m not touching it till the next day which confirms if the money is real or not I already caught them in two lies so I’m not belong anything

    • So I don’t exactly know if I’m getting scammed. He supposedly lives in a different state and is offering to pay me 300 a week and asked for “sexy pictures”. I’m new to this whole sugar thing so I don’t know what to expect anyways but he told me that I should make a new bank account for the Sugar world since I’m so new. But I haven’t been paid yet and I haven’t exactly sent him nudes but I have done his favor in asking for pictures. Can someone give me advice or help me figure things out with this Daddy?

      • I actually just got contacted with the same idea this morning Kimberlynn. He is a pilot, working down in Peru for awhile and wants for pay me $300 a week to send him pictures and says we will meet when he comes back.

        I too am new to the sugar baby world and so when he asked what bank I used, my gut told me to start researching this out.

        I think I will open another account as well just for this- however I am not going to pursue things with this fella I just feel to uneasy about it.

        • Hi, I talked to a couple Sugar daddies that were trying to scam me but i googled their scams so i didnt fall for it, but both of you are getting scammed, block the guy and dont talk to him again.

      • I’m new too and I’m unsure with my guy. He’s offering 500 a week for a platonic relationship. He’s in a different state and he wants my address, DOB, and account and routing number for his company’s accountant to send the money through direct deposit. He says until my Cashapp is verified we can’t do anything about it. Any advice?

    • Haha I’m reading all the comments, how can people be so stupid???!! Numerous guys have tried to scam me on grindr, I’m like really??, you gonna give me money just like that , yeahlike that ???lmao I played their games and I tried to scam them, no luck!! They’re not stupid like you guys!!! XDDD

      • LMAO I’m only commenting because we share the same name + I thought the last part was hilarious. Also I’m in the same situation but I’m pretty sure he’s trying to scam me. He first told me he could use cash app but then later on said he could not. You should never give out your bank info guys!! Especially if they say they don’t trust apps like cashapp, because generally it’s much safer than giving out your bank info. So….just don’t give your info out. lol I’m still weak at that last comment “They’re not stupid like you guys!!!”

      • Clearly you have never been a true sugar baby….

        I bet you the most of us here have been one and have made thousands when we did meet the right daddy. So instead of judging us. Maybe you should walk in our shoes and then u might get it. Your drama isn’t welcome here…

    • Okay, so recently I met a ‘sugar daddy, this isn’t an iTunes card. He is wanting to send me 3000.00 dollars apparently but in order for me to receive the money, I need to buy a steam gift card in order to receive the transfer and he told me to take a photo of it. Sounds like a scammer to me. Any thoughts?

    • GIRL!!!
      ALMOST 5 guys told me to purchase it..ONE VANILLA GIFT CARDS
      i read an article saying they do like gift cards because they are untraceable..
      i purchased one for $25.. and so far nothing… i think its safe to say isssa SCAM sis

    • No don’t do it he is offering to transfer money to it and wants you to purchase the vanilla card don’t fall for it it’s a scam

    • Don’t do it I fell for it got a 50.00 vanilla card, like he said, followed his instructions, then he said I had to go get another card to deposit that money on, red flag went up, I stopped, I tried using card I had put 50 dollars on and got declined everywhere, I managed to email the sugar daddy back and called him an asshole

    • Same here! I was wondering why I needed to get one. He played it off so sweet “all you need to do is get the same card I have and i’ll Load your funds..” and two more sugar daddies asked me to go to wal mart to purchase a google play card. The first one said he has trust issues and that when he sent a sb money, she blocked him and he never heard from her again. The second one said that to prove my loyalty I have to go in store or online and purchase the $50 google play card so he could verify it on his iPhone.. and they even sent me a picture of the money on paypal “pending” 😭

      • So I have a SD claiming he will give me 5,000 for buying a 100$ebay card is it too good to be true same pending picture of money what to do

        • I think I’m about to get scammed to so I gave him my cash app name to send money to he sent me back a screen shot of 5,000 pending on his end for my cash app but I though it was weird it doesn’t show on my end or his cash app name so when I asked for his cash app name he said he is sending the money from his google play account so I need to go to the store and get a google play card and then he can send the money from google play to my cash app witch I thought was weird I have not purchased the google play card yet and I decided to do some research on scammers I’m thinking I’m about to get scammed if I get the google play card???? Any way I haven’t given out any sensitive info no bank info nothing like that just my cash app name. What do y’all think do you think I’m about to be scammed.

          • Jez, someone just did the exact same thing you described to me right now! Did you ever follow through with it?

          • DO NOT DO IT!! I have one who messaged me out of the blue on Instagram claiming to be a Sugar Daddy and I told him I use Paypal. Same thing as you are going through but here I am playing his game with him and also texted the number on his Instagram profile and its the same guy no doubt but he is falling for me trying to scam him to see if he is really going to send money to me. I know better and am not getting the Google Play card so he can “Transfer” me the $2,000 as he says he needs the card to do so and thinks sending me fake screenshots is going to change my mind. I told him do it through PayPal then lol he keeps insisting on me getting this Google Play card. You are being scammed so do not buy the gift cards, a real sugar daddy won’t ask you to buy anything or send him anything

  2. I’m pretty sure that I’m being scammed, I have 3 pot giving almost the exact same email with only slightly different words.

    • If your sugar daddy asks you to buy gift cards or ask for bank account login information, then run for the Hills. Do not give in no matter how desperate for money you are. He will take the last of your hard-earned money and put you in a worse situation.

      • I have one guy asking me to send him a $40 commitment fee lol and another asking for a variety of things. Mainly he wants my cash app password. Wtf? I’m grown and far from desperate. I’m not going to PAY to get PAID. He says “oh trust me baby, technology changes every day. This is the best way.” AHAHAHAHHAHA. who in the hellllll?

  3. I had 3 guys do it to me. You would have thought the 1st was a red flag but when two were asking and explained the same thing I thought it was how it goes since I’m really new to all of this. 2 of them deposited into my account 2400. One said to take 400 and the other 2000 into a western union for a charity. The other one said to keep 800 and buy 16 $100 iTunes gift cards. I was stupid enough to give them my log in information to my bank because I thought it was how it worked. And the 3rd guy only got my routing number and account number. He then asked for my log in for his accountant (btw all three guys had an accountant) and he cane back saying that he went over his spending limit and that he was going to give me his week paycheck and that I would take out my portion and then help to pay his suppliers. I told him no I wouldn’t give him my log in information. I told him it was compromised and I didn’t want him to get hacked if I was already. I never heard from him. After that I did some research after damage was done and realized that I fucked up. I called my bank immediately and tried to fix the damage done. They got me for my log in too and my social. I called the following morning to figure out why it was still pending to find out that I was compromised again that they had found a way to forge and tap into the phone line. I quickly went to the bank to figure out what happened. They were shocked to know that their lines were tampered. So just for all you sugar babies out there, don’t give your bank info out. And if you did like me, don’t call your bank. Go to your bank!!! Be sure to put an alert on your ssn and be sure that you submit an alert. I told one of the guys who did it what I did and told him how it was all reversed and he begged me that he would take care of it. But I told him it was done and over and he stopped talking to me. The other guy who got in. I told him that it was all reversed with my bank and that I understood that he would not want to speak to me any longer. I told them that a police report was filed and funds were being reversed. And he actually still wanted to talk to me but I warned him that I wouldn’t be giving him any bank info and there was always Venmo or PayPal if he really wanted to give me an “allowance”. He understood. So i guess we will see what happens.

    • Did you ever get your iTunes & giftcards fund back into your account? How did it all that work? Or did you have to pay off the debt with your own money?

    • I’m curious…. I’ve had multiple guys off tinder as me if I was interested in a sugar daddy. When I say yes every time they ask to make big payments on to my credit cards and then ask for the password and logins for each one. To me this is raising red flags. Is this normal???? It’s happens 4 times all within a month. And I’ve backed out every time because it doesn’t sound normal. Any advice help????

  4. So i opened up a new bank account and sent him the account number and routing number. He put $100 bc r account had an opening limit. Now he’s asking for log in to add it to his bank to transfer easier. When i told him he just needs the account and routing he got upset. This a scam right? Like i have my doubts bc he said $400 weekly and we never met. We been taking for three days.

    • The POT I’m talking to said the same thing. And that he needed my username and password then I told him he doesn’t need that. Now he’s asking for my phone carrier

    • Girl the same is happening to me!! It sounds all to good to be true….but i also tried looking him up on Facebook and doing a number search and no information came up.

      • I’m in the same situation! SD/Dom and I have been talking a couple days. Offer to pay 500$ for allowance, asked for nudes, has 2 cell numbers. Wanted my bank account info or credit card info plus my full name and credit limit.
        Told him I can’t do that because you don’t give any account information out. He keeps pressuring me for the info. I told him there has to be another way like PayPal or Venmo. He dodged the statement. Now he is asking for an iTunes card or steam card. When I asked him why he said that’s what a sub is for to run that errand.
        I said it seemed like an odd request. He’s trying to guilt me into doing good strong upset I won’t just run out and buy them. He goes by Robert he has a 631 number and a 657 number.
        At first I thought I’m being paranoid because I’m. Ew to this but after doing some research he’s scamming me or at least trying to.

    • I’m in the exact situation right now and he wants my like all my banking information. Password, account number, and even my username. Claims he wants to pay me $400 a week as well, but just tried to deposit 2 $2,400 checks into my account, I deleted them before they even got looked at by the bank but geez I don’t really have the heart to tell him off but the man insist on doing a mobile deposit. He won’t even take paypal and we’ve only been talk for like 5 days.

  5. I was pretty close to coming into a scam. Same story as some of the other comments. I did give my account number and login, but grew suspicious before anything was done. He asked me to get ITunes gift cards, and then I would supposedly keep the rest of the money as my allowance. I changed my info right away and set my account so that before login, I get sent a code (to my phone number btw) and then that code is required to continue. The code is unique each time. Hope this is enough and the guy will just give up. Because my account number and routing number was given, I am still going to my bank to see if additional measures are needed. I am
    looking into closing the account entirely. I pray nothing happens. I even cancelled my debit card. He was reported to seeking arrangements and went by Charles who is 51 from California for future reference.

    In my defense, I was completely new to the whole sugar baby life. I obviously had no idea that these scams existed!

  6. I wish I saw this back in September 2017. The guy I was talking to groomed me into thinking he was a Texan deployed in Africa. He told me his payroll officer will pay me even tho we have never met. He scammed me badly. To add salt on the wound he wanted my new bank info, of which I never gave. He wasn’t from Texas which I found out later on, he was from Africa.

  7. I think I’m getting scammed someone help. I don’t know. He isnt asking for iTunes or anything but he wants my address now. What do i do. Before seeing this site i have him my account number and routing number and i was so exhausted from working last night. I have 3 kids and im almost due with my fourth that i gave him my card number and pin. Please give me some advice. I need the money but i cant afford to get scammed.

    • Go to your bank ASAP . Your bank can help you but not after it all goes down . My bank wanted to help me , the police didn’t .

  8. Keep getting asked to purchase a vanilla one prepaid card and he will load $500 on to it and he will do a second one after just to show he’s not a scammer and blah blah blah.. been talking for 1 day, he offered $1000 allowence a week. I had an iffy feeling so I came to do research.

    • I just had the same thing happen to me. I have a funny feeling it was too good to be true. He asked for my bank information. He said he would give a weekly allowance of $1000 starting today. I was like yeah right and we have never met and only communicated for a day. He stopped messaging after I asked him if he could do it through PayPal. He was from San Diego. Definitely sounded like a scam. I came here for research and I am glad I did. Note: To the newbies out there as I am one myself, please trust your instincts.If it sounds to good to be true, then most likely it is. Please be safe!!

    • OMG same thing is happening to me!! But SD 1 is telling me to send him a full picture of my receipt so im on the iffy side right now. How did it go?? i have two SD’s telling me to purchase these cards BUT it is iffy. lmk how it went please!

  9. Please help!!! I am new to the sugar lifestyle. I have been talking to a couple sugar daddys.

    Daddy #1. He wants to buy me a phone & take me on a trip but he wants me to enroll in a Amazon signature visa card.
    Daddy #2.Is saying he will send me $250 in my paypal account but he needs a $15-$25 iTunes gift card so he can confirm sending the money from his company paypal.

    I want to know if these guys are true & genuine or are they scammers?
    Also if they are scammers, can you set me up with a real sugar daddy

  10. He claimed to be importing cars for a company that he inherited . He sent me money via check (these were fake checks ) he said he sent me too much and had me send it away . Immediately I felt uneasy but did it because I was promised more money . I’m busy I word 60 hours a week so I’m not the easiest to contact that being said he called me 50 times so I was forced to block his number . I still had some of his money and he said if I didn’t do what I was told he’d call the police. So I followed the instructions as given . I went to the bank to switch over accounts and noticed that there were -thousands in my account which I am now responsible to pay back . All because I was worried about my student loans . Daddy said he’d pay those too , thank god I didnt let him send me that heft sum .

    • This just happened to me,I went to the police today.The police said let me go to the bank to get the bill, then go to the police station to make a record.Actually, I am very scared. The man said that he has all my information. He said that my life will be very dangerous.So is the alarm useful?

  11. After being on a sugar daddy app, I contacted a guy and he asked me how much I wanted my allowance. I said $200. After I gave him my credit card login information. He willingly made a payment of $2,350.00 without my permission. Afterwards, he threatened to call law enforcement on me if I did not buy him 10 iTunes gift cards adding to $1,000.00. I immediately cancelled and locked my credit card account. This money was a real online payment. He is still threatening to blame me for fraud after no agreements were made in the beginning. After I refused to send him the gift cards he told me to send cash through western union which I also refused. Please be cautious and smart.

    • Did the payment he made in your account bounce? How did you make sure your identity was safe? I am in the same situation. His name was Thomas Charles. Or Charles Thomas. Did you just blow I him and report it after? I don’t know what to do!

  12. I had recently just fallen for the exact same scam as all of these commenters. The man had deposited 1500 IN MY ACCOUNT for an apartment. Just today I found out he was going to scam me, or is scamming me. I made the dumb mistake to give him my account login, and now I’m worried that he has a lot of my info, granted when it comes to my online banking mobile app, he can’t see account information on statements, but on a computer/website, that’s a different story.

    Today he wanted me to get him Wal-Mart gift cards for his honorable attendees to his seminar. He apparently was an air pilot, and had a seminar for people who wanted to learn to fly. He said he needed them urgently because it was stressing him out for this presentation. I nearly had a friend get them for me since he was working there, and could do it. This man wanted me to go 45minites to get it, regardless of me telling him that i didnt have a way to get there several times. He wanted me to put 500$ on 2 cards with the money he gave me.

    Prior to all of this he sweet talked me. He told me he’s take me Paris, get me a passport, etc. Well intol d him I needed money for food because I was starving.
    He said i can use some of the money he gave me for food. Well, I used it. Only 60$ of it. Then I figured it all out when my friend kept saying he felt really off about the dude. I tried to get a friend to help this guy for me. All because I was so desperate for money.

    I don’t know what’s going to happen now. I didn’t spend all of the money, only the 60$. I don’t know on him going to get into some serious money trouble with that, or what.

    To be honest, I haven’t been able to shake the physical dirty feeling that I have from this. O feel so…. gross, disgusted, and like there’s pounds of dirt on me that I can’t get rid of. I don’t know what to do anymore.

  13. Can someone help me I want to block this guy but I also don’t want to get in trouble. So one guy paid off a closed credit card and a open one all he said he wanted was love and affection. he got my login info and then asked for $300 of iTunes gift cards I said no and he said just send back $300 to PayPal I’m like ok that’s fine. It’s his money I don’t want any problems so i researched and saw the iTunes was a scam he said no it wasn’t and he wouldn’t do that. Don’t believe him. I called my bank and they said the payment looks processed it looks like it was done online well I called and changed my login and also will close my acct and open a new one with the same bank. I just don’t want this to go back on me. I feel really uncomfortable about this whole situation can someone talk to me and help me out

  14. I have a guy that wants my credit card information and online account log in so he can get paid by his client and then send money to some people (workers and mom) because his accountant is out of town and he needs to receive the payment and send money. He also asked for credit limits on my cards. Keeps on saying he trusts me. . .

  15. I’m talking to this Guy Name Pencil he asked me to purchase a one vanilla card so he can load on it from his wallet is this a scam I haven’t purchase it I’m new at this Help !!!!

  16. Just got scammed pretty bad and should have trusted my gut. He wanted me to buy 900 in itunes cards because his business partner was in Dubai and he was in Paris. I was sketched out so I sent him used fake itunes cards. Scam the scammer. He had an accent on the phone and said he traveled to Paris for work but lived in San Diego. He used a closed Bank of America account to pay my credit card off. And I was so excited. I immediately used it to buy stuff for my new apartment. I waited two days before using the card and thought the payment fully processed. Mind you this was after he asked for the cards from itunes.
    I was like yay I can actually buy food and essential new home stuff. Of course two days later I log into my account and see the payment didn’t process. The bank I use cant help me but they offered a payment plan which is kind of them. Now the guy is threatening to air my nudes and number. Whatever that means. Some people might care but being nude isnt shameful to me. Grew out of that feeling a long time ago. On the plus side my bank said if I pay it off fast enough it wont show up on my credit report. So heres hoping.

  17. I was scammed by a guy who said he needed a iTunes gift card to place money into my account…it was only 50$ but he took it how insensitive right?!? Well its true and I will never do it again lesson learned so ladies watch out there are plenty of scammers out there!!!

  18. I honestly fell for it like you guys. I always told myself I wouldn’t fall for it or fall there scams. My sugar daddy asked for bank info and online access. I fell for it. He asked for my credit card info. I gave it. I fell for all the scams. I would try and leave but he would convince me to come back. I had a bad feeling in my gut and I ignored it. He told me to buy iTunes gift cards and I did. When I go to the stores to do it. I would get the strangest look when buying them. I should have listened to my gut then. It would give me anxiety cause I felt like I was doing something wrong. I guess when you have so much debt in student loans like me and really desperate for money. I want to be able to do stuff. I just ignored the signs cause I was more money hungry then anything. It makes me sick to my stomach and feel so guilty for this. My second sugar wanted me to wire a check for him and he would put it in my account I told him no. He got very mad at me and told me if I didn’t do it that he was going to die. Cause he supposedly had prostate cancer. He actually sent a check for $153,000 to my bank. He mailed it to them. I told him no and he didn’t listen to me. He did it behind my bank. My bank account is now under fraud investigation because I was so money hungry and stupid to believe this sugar daddy. I also have checks bounce in my account cause they fake. You name it has happened to me. Now I am paying for the price. I am scared and nervous about the whole fraud thing.

    • It’ll be okay. Just inform your bank about everything that has been going on, and this cops probably can trace this guy you never know. Just be careful you’ll be okay.

  19. I think I’ve just been scammed by my sugar daddy and I am freaking out. I am hoping that I am just being dramatic but you never know how a days.

  20. My SD is sending me a check with my allowance and a large amount of money to be used on art that will come to my address. I want to trust him it just seems unreal. This is my first SD and he’s an experienced SD so I’m conflicted.

  21. Omg. I have been scammed. The same freaking guy everyone is mentioning James Aldridge. I can’t believe I fell for this crap. Some please help I don’t know what to do now. I will $2100 negative in my account!!

    • I was scammed by SD last year where i lost everything to my name, he would tell me to send my money to his workers in Atlanta that he was going to refund me which he never did and I fell for it … I had to surf round the internet to see if there was any way i could get my money back, I contacted an Israeli lawyer who wasted my time and extra cash of mine but I was glad I met this good hacker who helped recover all my funds back from the SD. I am forever grateful to him, i promised to spread the news about him if he’s successful with the job and I’m glad he came out perfect” I’m glad i contacted him, he recovered my lost money back through bitcoins. Contact him on cyberTIRO@gmail.com or 559 565 5433 and thank me later

  22. Babies, as an experienced SD, let me tell you that NO legitimate Daddy is going to ask you to handle business for him. He already has someone to do that for him, or he’s a competent man and can handle it himself. The only thing a Daddy should be asking you for is your attention and affection. He should be helping you handle your business, not relying on you to do menial things for him. Anyone asking you to do something involving you spending money, even money they’ve sent you, is scamming you.

    Use PayPal or Venmo if you’re doing debit-type transactions. If he opens a credit account, it should be in his name and have your name on a card. He shouldn’t need to ask you for any information regarding any account – bank, credit card, or otherwise.

    A Daddy didn’t acquire the wealth necessary to assist/spoil a baby by being unable to handle simple things like gift cards. There are concierge services for a reason as well. It is not your job as a baby to EVER assist him in financial matters, only possibly in personal ones. Think about it. If he needs your help to handle these kinds of rudimentary financial transactions, how could he have possibly became wealthy enough to have the extra resources you’re seeking?

  23. Well I almost got scammed but my instincts are strong. In the first place why would he send me allowances just to be a sugar baby? Well that’s too generous.I stopped texting him when he got mad for not buying him a gift card. He asked me to buy some gift cards (actually I already feel that he is scamming me ?) but still, I said yes just to fool him (haha silly me) so I just pretend to go to the store (Walmart to be exact) by not texting him for an hour and after that I told him that there’s no gift cards available in the Walmart and he was like “???” because he knew that there is and he got mad so I blocked him. Hahaha try harder to steal some money baby ??

  24. Well my story is a little different. This man deposited 1,000 in my account only to deposit a bounced check of 950.00. But there was a hold on the 1,000 check and it didnt come off till a week later. Lucky I was able to keep my account and they took that negative 950 from the 1,000 check. Which only left me with 50 dollars. But before I found out the check bounced, I told him thanks and that I got his deposit. Shortly after that he asked for a 50 dollar gift card, cause he knew 950 was going to be taken from it and that’s how much I was gonna have left. So guys be careful! If it ain’t PayPal or cashapp don’t trust it!

  25. Hi I’m currently in a situation where my SD paid off my credit card bill, however he keeps asking me to buy a gift card worth a 100 dollar from amazon or buy bitcoin worth 100 dollars. He also keeps talking about how his Coinbase account is not accessible and he needs my help. I’m just confused if I should trust him because he paid off my credit card bill
    Please help me

      • i had a guy do the same pay my whole credit card off then want me to use it to buy a laptop and send it to his son. what happened to you?

  26. I was hit up by a woman..the email stated. to open a e-bank acct. Said I would do that. She was kind enough NB to send NB a link to one. And I only need to put $50 in to open it. I’m pretty well conditioned by now, that I can spot the iTune scam within 25 minutes. But this one I just decided to play along until I could actually look it up on Google thank you folks glad to share

  27. I’ve never done this before so I was quite nervous, he told me that I would get $300 twice a week for a total of $600 a week. He needed my bank info and dumbly I gave it to him and he deposited the money, but it isn’t availablee yet. I changed my password and my username so hopefully he doesn’t have access to it anymore he never got my account number or routing number or social nothing like that. Im waiting for the deposit to process to see if anything else happens.

  28. You are correct, I feel bad for these girls. I can’t believe what these so called men or man are getting away with. Girls you have to control some of your money urges ok.This is scammer 101 here.

  29. I fell for one of these scams and I feel like i really shouldve known better. He wanted my accpunt info and asked me to send some money to somone for him that he deposited into the account. After i gave him the info the account had a check clear so i attempted to send it but my account restricted the ammount he asked for thankfully i was only able to do a few hundred. Cuz when i went back to my account ot was suddenly negative and now i cant get ahold of him.
    I cant even believe I fell for that, I know not to give out my info. He also combined the scam wity the gift card one saying he needed me to do that so he would know he could trust me before sending me the fake check. What an assshole.

  30. This just happened to me. He said many things that got me very suspicious. The fact he refused to meet me in person before money exchanged hands was my first sign. Then he asked for my banking info. I said no, no way in hell because I don’t know him. He did the usual, “baby, don’t you trust me. I wanna take good care of you. I wanna help your music career.” So I cautiously gave him info to pay off my credit card. When he did, he asked me to get six $100 STEAM gift cards, “for his cousins”. I immediately reported fraud, cancelled the payment, and called the police. IF IT’S TOO GOOD TO BE TRUE, IT IS! If you are still curious, do your research into SD scams, and ask A LOT OF QUESTIONS. Don’t let them try to manipulate you by claiming you are being difficult and dishonest. It’s not you, honey, that is being dishonest. And don’t worry, he threatened me with arrest if I just ran off with the money. If you don’t agree to sex for money, he has no legal grounds to have you arrested. BE SAFE OUT THERE, BABIES!

  31. Question. This guy wants to use cashapp to send me money. And after he sends it he wants me to go purchase itunes cards. Is this safe?

  32. I’m not sure if I’m being scammed or not because he has none of my information, but he’s sending me a car threw British airlines world cargo. Ita a Audi 2017(A7) 3.0T it’s worth $58,500 but i need to pay $1500 for shipping when it arrives. It’s supposed to be shipped right to my front door. Sounds to good to be true. He wants to come visit me after the car is delivered and buy me a house. Not sure what to think. Can you help me?

  33. I have started talking to this guy off of sudy and he agreed to use PayPal or cash app but I need to get the Google play card for him to set me up an account for allowances. That doesn’t make any sense to me.

  34. I almost got scammed. He kept asking me for my bank info and he’d deposit $1000 every week. He then asked me if he could send a check and he needed my full name and address. I asked him for pics or his DL and he sent me some google pics. I knew it was too good to be true. He stopped messaging me after I told him I’d call the cops. His number is (408)-681-9247. Ladies be careful!!

  35. Uggggh this guy offered me $300 a week and sent me $2000 and told me to get him iTunes gift cards so I did that and then he had the check returned so now I’m overdrawn more than $2000 currently on that account. He told me he’d fix it and long story short, I’m overdrawn over $300 on another account!!! Wtf do I do? I’m literally crying right now. I literally want to find this man and mail him to death rn.

  36. Amazing I read this BEFORE following through with a potential SD. He keeps asking me go buy a card because its far for him to get one. But he lives in California all look

  37. Had this happen to me about 2 on the website subby I was anew sugar baby and I don’t know how it worked and gave them my log in now I’m just waiting to see if this check will clear or not (which i doudt) but beware only accept Venmo PayPal cash app cash or checks and be extra careful with checks seeing as those can bounce.

  38. I’m new to this Sugar Baby business and I fucked up. I fell for it and ended up giving my Paypal account info, after giving him what he wanted. Sadly, he kept me asking me for more while he completely changed the password and email and phone number to the account so I couldn’t access it. I had zilch on the Paypal account and only 30 cents on a prepaid debit Visa card.

  39. This just happened to me. Thankfully I listened to my gut and I cancelled the pending payments to my CC the day it was placed. I removed the added account and changed all my logins and passwords. I was so stupid to actually hand out my logins, that should have been a red flag, but I was so desperate for money that I ignored my gut. I told them some lie how someone had attempted to hack it and the bank traced the IP to a certain area and how they were investigating it all. It really spooked them, so hopefully they leave me alone. What really alerted me was when the sent me a screenshot of the payment being made and they were stupid enough to send the whole message from the person working with them Iin the scam.

  40. Hey girls! So I’ve had a sugar daddy earlier this year he was great but he went away for a while so I decided to look for some new prospects in his absence. Now I’ve been scammed before (not by a sugar daddy) and it ruined my bank account to the point they just had to close the account.
    But as I’m looking for new guys (I use Seeking) a few are messaging me wanting to text me, I use a google number for people online all the time because you never know.
    Fast forward and I’m talking to two different guys, we’re talking about allowances and how I’d be paid. Both guys asked for my account info and I was a little skeptical but I used an account that was negative and wasn’t in use anyways and gave that to them to see how far this would go. Mind you, I’m talking to both guys simultaneously.
    One deposits $1,700 into the account and kept saying he’d send more and more so i can go shopping and ect. Then he switched it up on me and asked if I can get him an iTunes gift card for whatever amount of money so he can activate his iPhone, like how dumb do you think I am. He then switched it again and asked me to put $1,200 on the card.
    The other wanted to put $1,200 into my account. He kept asking me if the money had been deposited throughout the day. Eventually he asked me if I could do him a favor and get him an itunes gift card as well and that sparked the red flag and caused me to start researching iTunes cards.
    Like what a coincidence that two totally different men are working the same angle?!
    I’m preparing for the deposits to bounce and try and talk to my bank about the deposits or just close the account in general.

  41. Okay, I never met my sugar daddy before. But he gave me his account number and routine number to pay off my Victoria secret card, and I did it went through just fine, but now he is asking me to buy gift cards. What do I do? If i tell him no, and he already paid one of my bills can he take it back?

  42. I’m 99% sure I just got scammed and I feel so stupid. We hadn’t even met, he said he was lonely since his wife died and needed someone to talk to. I asked for $250/week and he said okay. He asked for my main bank account info (account number, login info, etc.) but I said no because my family has access to that card and just in case, I did not want their money and identity to be compromised.

    So, I opened a new account and gave him all that information but mobile deposit didn’t work. So, he got my credit card information out of me because he said he would pay off my debt (i’m a college student who needs books and is $100k of debt in student loans so i’m desperate). He had my home address, card number, and login info for my credit card. He said he deposited $500 to pay off my bill and I said thank you, but I was a little sketched out so I changed all my login info and called my banks. After he did the deposit, he asked me to keep $100 and then by 4 $100 iTunes cards for his “co-workers in Brazil” so, I blocked his number, reported him on allowanceonly and changed every username and password he had access to.

    I’m hoping everything works out okay, I didn’t buy any gift cards and I wasn’t even using my real phone number, but an app. I’ll keep you updated.

    Also his name was “Weasley” on allowanceonly. He has been reported!

    • OMG!!! I’m talking to Weasley from Allowance only right now. He gave me his bank account information, routing number and all to pay off a credit card then asked me to buy him google play cards for his business deal. I told him I’m only getting them unless I’m given the money first. Haven’t heard back from him since!

      I didn’t give any personal information but did say which bank I have an account with but NO personal information about it. But he does have my first and last name. Should I be nervous?

    • I am currently talking to Weasley right now. He asked me to get $2000 worth of iTunes and Apple Gift Cards. Unfortunately I did it. I am a very broke college student and needed the money. He paid some of my credit card and then completely reversed my payment because I was “playing games”. So now I am in more debt than I was before.

  43. LMAO just happened to me today, was promised $2000 in exchange for a $100 iTunes gift card. I’m an idiot and sent him a picture. After that, he said PayPal and CashApp won’t let him add his bank account and he “called his bank” and they won’t allow him to put his account on third-party apps. He then asked for my banking information. He’s about to catch this BLOCK.

  44. Guys always use PayPal. PayPal means the money is directly taken fro their bank account into their PayPal (So you don’t have to worry about a cheque bouncing) and then sent to yours where you can do whatever you want with it.

    If they insist on your bank information to desposit money or a cheque don’t give it. They can take information from the that which will put you in jeopardy. Not just at your bank but with the police too. Regardless if you can your password afterwards the information they can get is dangerous.

    Ignored they are asking you to get a prepaid Visa card or debit card don’t. They can just as easily take the money in the card out and leave. It’s not a guarantee plus sometimes they’ll despoit money that they don’t have into the card. Let you know and then take all that money and leave. And your stuck in a bad situation with the bank.

    Basically you shouldn’t have to pay for anything at the beginning. A gift card or iTunes card. No.

    Just use PayPal. Plus it’s faster. You can use your PayPal to pay for stuff or deposit it in your own bank account. Either way all they needed was your email. Nothing else. If they say no then that mean they don’t have money since PayPal only let’s you send money you have not cheque and stuff that can bounce.


    this piece of shit messages me asking me if I wanted to be his sugar baby and would pay me 400 dollars a week. I was hyped at first. Then he asked me for my account number routing number and online banking username and password to send to his “account manager” so that it was a weekly direct deposit that appeared every week at the same time. Me and my friend convinced ourselves that this was just how it worked and I complied. He said he’d send me 2400 and that I would take the extra 2000 and western union it to China for his construction manager. He told me he worked for this big oil company and was traveling the world and couldn’t do it himself. He also kept begging me to buy him iTunes Gift cards and I should have done my research but luckily I physically didn’t have enough money to buy him any and kept telling him to wait till I got paid or that I would just buy it with my allowance and he promised on his fathers grave he would pay me back. I got the money in my account last night and noticed that someone changed my email over to a different one on my online banking. I was sketched out but the guy kept telling me how important it was to send the money to China that night but I’m on a road trip so I didn’t know where there were any western unions so I told him I’d do it in the morning. Come morning time I get a call from my bank saying there was over 40,000 dollars in bill pay going out to various parts of America. She said the check that was deposited was a fraudulent check from the state of Utah tax return. She said these people have my home address and all my information and now I’m freaking out because he sent me a really threatening text saying he’s going to call his attorney to get his money back and that he knew all my information and my address and that he’s gonna call his men to “take me down”. Someone please help and give me any advice you can

  46. I’ve dealt with pretty much nothing but scammers. My favorite thing to do, now, is mess with them as much as I can before they get frustrated and quit responding. There was one that said his “accountant” needed my bank info, and I said that I didn’t have a bank account. It was like that completely short circuited his entire plan

  47. I was scammed by a sugar daddy. I’m a teenager in high school and come from a poor back ground. While talking I told him I was struggling with getting around and he offered to send me money for a car and like a dumb person I accepted. He asked for my username and password to do a mobile deposit again I agreed. He deposited it and I withdrawaled it from my account. Later he withdrew the checks and I’m 2,400 in debt. He said if I used the Money to buy some amazon cards he would fix it and I did. Now he still won’t send the money back to my accounts and I’m in 2,400 in debt I’m still in high school and only 17 I’ve made a mistake and I’m probably gonna be paying this off for the next 10 years I don’t have money like that. Y’all be careful and don’t be stupid like me.

  48. I got it really bad. I let a guy access my account (dumb so dumb I know) I just really needed money. He asked for pictures and said he would give me an allowance of $300. The account I let him use was one I didn’t use anymore and I put a code on it so whenever he tried to access it then I would have to send him a code. Also on this account my mom was on it so I needed to make sure it got out of the account as soon as possible. He put $2400 on and as soon as he did that I transferred it to my other account. THANK GOD. it said it would take two business days and that part saved me. He started screaming at me because he said he needed me to buy gift cards. I then figured it was a scam. I have the police on it now but I received a text from his “lawyer” saying he was going to press charges and then another number from a “police officer” I know it’s fake but it’s scary. Luckily after the check bounced I was able to explain and I didn’t lose any money.

  49. Got scammed by a SD, wanted me to purchase 2 vanilla cards so I can put 50$ on them and he would add 500 to both used my cards now I’m trying to get the funds back. Total SCAM!
    If their real they’ll give you money another way without asking for any INFO , don’t give out any info!!!!

  50. I am experiencing the same thing right now. A man contacted me through Instagram saying he would help me financially. I’m in college and I need all the help i can get honestly. He asked me to buy him cards and i was naive and did it for him. He deposited money into my account but the checks bounced and he says he’s gonna pay me if I get him more of them but I’m out 1400 dollars right now. Does anyone know if there is any way of making your money back? I can’t believe i fell for this stupid scam!

  51. I just started looking into an arrangement as a man I’ve made some bad financial decisions and am looking to improve my position in life. And I am very glad I found this post. It was extremely interesting that both potential Sugar Mommas asked me for my bank account information which I refuse to give before we even met. I had suggested PayPal which both said they don’t use. I’m supposed to meet one in a few weeks who will give me cash. She is asking me to buy cell phones to send to her workers in Malaysia, and ship by FedEx, another red flag. I will let you know how it goes. The other one wants me to buy I-tunes gift cards and keeps asking me for online access to my credit card I maxed out, haha, right in one of your red flags.

    • Hmm, wondering this same thing. SD gave me his account info (which he looking for a relationship. Baby I’m going to treat you like a queen.) To pay off my credit card. He went from one business area to another, that he needs to finish before he comes sees me. He says he buys things and ships them to clients. He has sent me a lot of photos btw, none of which I can find online. So he wants me to buy the latest iphone and watch for myself. He has some orders he needs to finish in the states, wanted me to buy 4 iPhones verizon from best buy and fedex them, no other way. He wanted me to do it so he can come straight to me. He expected me to do it on one day, he kept hounding me, already told his client that it would be sent out that day. He kept bringing up I should buy my stuff too. Told him there wasn’t enough money for my stuff and their stuff. So then it went to 3 phones. That doesn’t make any sense but eh whatever. I buy my stuff through apple and they called me saying that they don’t get orders like mine and make sure I was buying it for myself and not being taken advantage of. Now I’m scares.

  52. Has anyone heard from a sugar daddy named James 45yrs old Russian from Cali? He has asked about doing a direct deposit for me on a weekly basis and I’m suspicious.

  53. There was a guy I met on a site claimed to be a rich business owner. Everything sounded good until he kept asking for my bank info he said he had to pay me through his businesses payroll which may or may not be true I don’t trust it. I decided to test him with an account I’m getting ready to close. Hardly anything in it gave him the account name and bank. Then he asked about online banking and wanted the login info. Then I said no with so many options cash Venmo PayPal etc why do you want my banking info. I told him to figure it out and get in touch when he did. Haven’t heard from him in a week and probably won’t again

  54. Hi I think I have been scammed as well and I am very new to this. You seem to be very knowledgeable. Can you make any recommendations? So I can go in the correct direction.

  55. Ladies! BEWARE. This is a HUGE scam happening on Instagram and I’m sure MANY other social media apps. A guy by the name “Kevin Vega” @kevin_v5710 ; phone number (610)440-4791 commented on my pic something sweet with the ending line “I should be spoiled”. Further into the day we ended up direct messaging and exchanging numbers. I realized more into the conversation he was referring heavily to my debt status! He then told me because the money was coming out of a “business account” he was going to have to personally pay my debts. He asked for whom I banked with! That has nothing to do with my credit card. Apps are VERY easy+convenient/SAFE. I even tried to talk about how he was and he changed back to the money! SD’s if they are “lonely” and looking for conversation will converse! it’s not all about the money when they’ve got it. I wish I could upload an image he sent me because even that was clearly not the same person I was speaking to. The text language did not line up with the look, at all.

    MORAL: AINT NO WAY YOU SHOULD GIVE A STRANGER ANY OF YOUR INFO! The internet is a scary place. This is yet another ploy for people to get your personal information and steal!

    Be smart and TRUST YOUR GUT!

  56. Hello! I just recently started talking to a SD off of a website called seeking.com he is wanting me to open a bank account so he can sync it with his in order for him to pay me my allowance. I am brand new to this whole SD/SB thing. Can anyone give me some advice. I did not give him any info about my current bank account. I have been scammed before and I really can’t afford to get scammed again. Please HELP!!

  57. So my sugar daddy told me to message him on kick, which I did. I checked out his profile it says he has been using it or 278 days (or something like that) it seemed legit. He starts talking about a weekly allowance of 500$ and you know I am cool with that (mind you he lives is MO and I am in AL, nowhere near him). When we start talking about payment methods he said he can’t use cash apps because he got scammed by his ex sugar baby on PayPal and she stole money from him and he has a friend in the FBI, reported her and got her arrested. He told me he would pay off my credit card debt but I don’t have any and I told him that. I suggested he give me his info because I was NOT going to give him my bank account. This morning he asked me to run errands for him and pick him up gift cards for his employees. I told him I was not going to purchase them with my money and asked for his info again. He gave me his routing number and account number and wanted me to transfer money into my account from his. I did not feel comfortable with that so I told him no. He now said he reported my picture and info to the FBI and I am going to get arrested for stealing from him. HOWEVER, I did not access his bank account or take out any money. I got a weird gut feeling that something wasn’t right so when I told him I wasn’t comfortable with having his account info (after he sent it) he told me he reported me and that I will be arrested and not to call him begging him to get me out of jail. Is this something I need to be concerned about?? HELP

  58. Im talking to a sugar daddy now, and he says his bank dose not allow him to use paypal, and that he has been scammed before off of cash app. He also said he needs to know who i bank with and such so he can and me to his payroll. Is that a scammer line ?? should i trust it???

  59. Yesterday I was talking to someone who was supposed to be a sugar daddy. So I’m talking to him, he asks to see my college ID to confirm that I’m actually a college student which I sent to him. Then he starts asking for nudes before sending anything, so I go on the internet and get a nipple pictamd send it to him. Then he starts getting angry and saying sugar babies are supposed to know how to please SD…Long story short I figure out he’s a Nigerian scammer posing to be a sugar daddy. I get into an argument with him and he then says he goes to the same college as me( which is a lie by the way) and how he’ll post up a blog about me looking for a sugar daddy. I let him know that I’m this day and age people look for sugar daddies and he’ll be the only one getting backlash cause he made a fake account pretending to be a sugar daddy

  60. I had went on the Facebook page for seeking arrangements. I started talking to this guy in Miami Florida. We have been talking for a week when he decided to tell me he was gonna send me $800 A week, then tells me that I need to go get a $50 iTunes gift card so he can configure his settings. I told him I don’t need an iTunes gift card. He then says to send him $30 so we can start the process of the arrangement. I wish I could find a true legit SD & not deal with some of these idiots out here. Please help me if you can.

  61. I have had several send me the fake checks and now one has sent me two credit cards in other names. Tried to report him but no one responded. Still have all the info on all of it. Loosers.

  62. Does this sound like a scam? He wants me to open a visa prepaid card and put $50 on it. He will then load it with $500 in exchange for sexy pics, videos, calls, and a possible meeting at some point.

  63. This is actually happening to me right now. Some idiot on instagram messaged me with this idea of giving me a lot of cash weekly, but i have to first buy a Google Play card.. for $100. This is such a huge red flag so I googled sugar daddy scammers and found this article. I am so sorry that we all have this in common, ladies. Keep your eyes open! If it sounds too good to be true then it probably is. I am going to report him on instagram. A true daddy would never ask you to buy anything, let alone a gift card for $100, so that he can send you money. The fuck sense does that make?

  64. I’m not sure if I should trust the situation I’m in now. I’m a would-be first time SB. The guy saw my stuff on a dating app and messaged me about it first, gave me his Kik and his phone number. Said that it would be a platonic arrangement and that I’d just have to text him, be honest, loyal, and all that. Said my allowance would be $250 twice weekly but that he’d need my stuff. He said that all his accountant would need is the name on the account, the name of the bank, account number, and routing number. After I sent that, he said his accountant would also need the login info to complete and monitor the transactions and so he could add me to his companies’payroll. I started asking more personal questions like what bank he uses, where he works and for how long, etc and he’s answered them so far, but stopped after I asked how much he makes yearly and why he decided to become a SD. Did I screw myself over by giving him what I did? Should I trust it? He swears up and down that he isn’t a scammer, or as he keeps saying “I’m not a shit man”, even sent a picture straight from the camera to prove he looks like his profile. Said the accountant has nothing to do with my account, just to send me my allowance

  65. Thank you for this information. I was recently contacted by a sugar daddy, wanting to exchange sexting and communication for $400 weekly allowance. The red flag for me was definitely when he said to open either a Chase or bank of America account. I said no. You can send money via email or use this link through PayPal to qickpay me. Looks like communication just stopped. I was thinking, if friends and family can wire me money that way. Why is this guy insisting on me opening up a new checking account. Then I was like, must be a scam. Thanks again!

  66. I literally just got scammed by someone who offered $400 just for saved nudes and another $750 for videos! I’m new to the sugar baby life and that was the first time iv ever gotten scammed. Of course I wasn’t going to send anything without getting something upfront but he refused an said he would deposit the money into my paypal account after I showed him and asked for a real time photo of my boobs and I stupidly sent one then he asked for a video but without covering my nips lol so I sent one but covered my face. After I sent it he asked why I covered my face an I told him that I just know better then to send nudes with my face in them then he in added me:/ lmao yea so that was a good lesson ??

  67. I’m currently talking with a sugar momma who has offered me $300 a week for an allowance but has not asked for any bank information yet gladly she has asked about the financial state I’m in right now and if I have any credit cards I need paid off but I don’t and told her that I have a debt card with vystar. She said she will start giving me an allowance next week but She is focusing on getting to know me first. Should I be worried that this is a scam?

  68. I was scanmed to buy a steam card with the promise of an allowance and the refund. Then he stopped replying and I went to call the number and it was disconnected.

  69. This just happened to me.. it’s my first time ever doing this and I was way too trust worthy. He told me he invests in bitcoin. I told him I had venmo and other online deposits, but he refused to use them because he said he had been hacked before. So I gave him my bank login information so he could do mobile deposit. He gave me $1,900. $200 for me, and $1,700 to get him gift cards for his Bitcoin stuff. So I did. But the checks he gave me came back as fraud. So now I am negative $1,700 in myaccount. And I’m scared out of my mind. Because I’m just 22 trying to start my life and was desperate for some money to get through the holidays. Now I’m just stupid.

  70. A sugar daddy going by “Jones” contacted me on Kik. He badgered me for my account log in for my bank and, being naive and desperate for cash for myself and my then-boyfriend, I agreed. He paid off my credit card in one sweeping transaction. I was so thrilled! I’d had 2k in debt that he took care of instantly! But that’s when he started asking, and asking, and asking for iTunes gift cards. He would normally ignore my protests and steamroll over anything I said. Soon he reloaded the card with debt by doing a cash withdrawal to my checking account, he then demanded I send the cash with a wiring service to “help pay his employees” who desperately needed the cash. I tried to do this, blinded by my desperation, but he wire transfer repeatedly failed. Spooked, I canceled the transfer and called my bank’s fraud department. I blocked him and his number but he continued to call me from different numbers. The fraud department changed all my account numbers and my log in. Enraged, he threatened to call the police on me for stealing his cash. I filed a report with the police online, but never heard back. A couple days later his original payment to my account bounced, and I suddenly owed my bank 5000 dollars. My bank sorted it out, but it was a scary two days. The scammer stopped calling eventually, but he still finds me on gay dating apps, mostly Grindr, with the same story. He’s some rich guy looking for a sugar baby to spoil. He normally has a different name but he’s gone by “Jones” twice now. I block him without responding every time, although he today employed different tactics to converse with me. But then he played his sugar baby hand and I blocked. He’s just a part of my experience on apps now, I suppose.

  71. This is happening to me right now how do I do something about it?? Please I keep his shit active til so I have a means of finding him/her that’s tooling with people lives

  72. Just recently got contacted by a sugar daddy and like most cases, too real to be true. He sent me $800 for doing nothing, THEN had asked me to go to a Walmart and purchase a $100 steam card… that seemed a little off to me so I was sitting in the Walmart parking lot and called a friend certainly smarter than me for his input and he told me all about the scams that go on with this same line. So I didn’t get the cards, I blocked his number, changed my bank info and got a a message soon after from “department of homeland securities” threatening me. I know those texts weren’t real. I ignored. Then the Sugar daddy contacted me through twitter saying I scammed him and sent me a screenshot of my location… MY LOCATION… said to me that he was going to find me and confiscate me, or throw me in jail… is that possible though? I told him to take his money back and blocked him. But yet the dirty $800 is still sitting in my account…

  73. So a SD had offered to give me $2,400 in USD directly to be deposited into my account through 3 deposits of $800. He had then asked me to transfer the money onto gift cards to send back to him. I didn’t want to send him BACK the money since that defeated the purpose of me receiving the money, so I blocked and deleted him off of everything I had added him on. But since then I received a threatening text message from an unsaved number telling me to send the money back as it was for an “organization” and doesn’t “belong” to me.

    The money is still pending in my account and I don’t know what to do about it as I can’t access it yet anyways. It also says “See SM” next to the multiple deposits.

    If anyone has been through this and knows what to do, any comment would be appreciated thank you so much.

  74. I recently have gotten scammed two times. Being that it is Christmas time, I am kind of desperate. So the first time, I was reached out to. I was hesitant though.. so I didn’t respond for a few weeks but I needed money for financial reasons. So, I finally responded.. he basically explained to me how he had a son, how his wife died, and how he’s from Spain, but resides in Illinois, but is currently in Dubai. we talked for about some weeks.. it was okay. but he kept asking me to get 50$ google play cards so he can use cashapp to send my money because he said it didn’t work in Dubai & he was in Dubai for business purposes. I did ask him why he couldn’t buy them his own self? he then told me that they didn’t have those cards in Dubai and he was hesitant about using his card to buy one via email delivery on Walmart. that’s when I should’ve knew something was going on , but I didn’t, so I had gotten three , but he started asking for more, I wasn’t really able to get them right away because like I’m not rich, so I tried to end it because I was buying so many cards and I wasn’t getting anything in return so I started becoming frustrated about it. He then started pressuring me to give him my bank information… I was hesitant about doing that because I searched online about that as soon as he stated asking , and long story short it said it was okay to give out the account number , but not anything more. I was still hesitant so I gave him no bank information. he started manipulating me saying he needed cards so he could get a $20 million dollar promotion. He promised that if he landed the promotion, he would give me $1 million .. I believed him, but I was STILL hesitant to give him any bank information. so I still didn’t do it . & basically it wasn’t working , so I just wanted to end it . & long story short , it ended. but then I found another guy, he only scammed me out of 50$ .. because he told me to buy a iTunes card because previous of his sugar babies I guess took his money, so to know I wasn’t gone do the same, I guess he said it was a test . I literally begged him not to scam me & he said he wouldn’t . I bought the card and send him the code he said okay, and asked for my PayPal information, I asked him to cashapp it. he said okay. so he told me to download hangouts so we could chat more privately. so I did , but I never gave out my real name to no one . I gave out no personal information because I don’t play about that type of stuff being that it’s so much going on in the world & I’m new to this sugar baby world. so I made a whole new email with the name I said I would prefer to be called by and added him from that email. the other sugar daddy asked for my number , but instead I downloaded a free texting-calling app and made an account with a fake number from there, I am so hesitant about anything these days . so im just happy I never really gave any personal information out . but anywho, he said his pay officer or whatever you call it , couldn’t process that much money , so he needed me to buy a 100$ iTunes gift card. that’s when I became suspicious because he typed just like the old sugar daddy and was asking for cards just like the old one. I didn’t buy it and I asked him to stop contacting me and he became rude and was like NO ——— and I just deleted the app . huff . I can’t believe this happened to me. 🙁 . but it could’ve been worser by the looks of these comments . so I just really THANK GOD that it wasn’t .

  75. I Have Encountered This Maybe Twice. I Did Not Give In, Though. I Caught On To What They Were Trying To Do After Talking To My Banker, &Looking Things Up Online &Asking Them Questions As To Why They Need These Things. They Then Got Attitudes With Me &Called Me Out My Name &Cut Off Communication. I Feel Good About This. #HardObvservtions

  76. i met a man online (i first time do this,i know nothing before)its called sugadaddy ,and he gave to me his number and then we text message,and he said he always help people ,wants to help me like eveyweek sent money,and I’m feel curious and i think somebody want to give to me money,why not( I think I go crazy) .then he told me he can pay off my bill everything,and ask my online bank account and password,I’m very stupid ,i gave to him. he login my account,and said he paid off my credit card,But I still didn’t feel well,because i didnot do anything,but anyway ,he paid. The second day,he ask me help he to buy some goole/apple store gift card for him ,i think he paid about $8k credit card for me,so i just go to store get $1000 google gift card for him,and sent pic to him,he said get more $1000 apple gift cards. at that time ,i think about this things,its doesnt make sense,right?and i google ‘sugadaddy scam’ i know its happend to me,and i send message to him:“its scam,i will no doing anything for you” and then i called my bank do payment cancel,my bank said its taks 3-5days,and i text him i did payment cancel. he said dont belive me ,he said i am thief,he has my iformation eveything,he will let me in jail,and then i changed my online passworld, A few hours later i found my online account can not use,like locked , i go to my bank change passworld something,when i doing that,i got message from him,he said i am seen you changing everything now,i know u everything,name,adress…….. i can find you anywhere in the world. and i go to police station,i want to make report,becauae he said he will let me go to jail,and I’m afraid of if he use other people bank account pay my credit cards,maybe I will be sued in the future,and i told police everything,police said just block his number,and didi not do any report to me. now he use other number text me and Bully me,and what can i do now? i did Cancel the payment already,and i called chase bank again make sure money back to his account or not,my bank said may payment canceled but my bank have to keep this money first and Make a survey. i think he can ask his bank do cancel this payment,but if he did it ,and i cancel again ,so dubble money he will get。I called the police three times,they said just block number.did no any help. today he text me“You are mad I will have your credit card spoil
    You are a bad person” so he can do it?before i ask police i will go to jail?police said no,but Until now,money did not go back to his account.and i really did payment cancel. So I am very scared now ,Do I need to go to the police again?

  77. This has been super helpful. I always feel freaky about giving my info.. never my login or even account number. Anyway this SD paid off two of my credit cards one was $1500 and the other $500 by giving me his account number and routing number which is awesome right but then he tells me he’s into insider trading and bit coin and all this stuff and needs me to run errands for him. The errands was purchasing 5 $100 gift cards either visa or iTunes. I shit that shit down real quick. Construction company and even gave me his “daughter”’s CashApp so she could do it instead. But like I’m not bout to do any of that. The payment on my cc went through so I just froze them on my mobile apps. I never gave him any info. He would always call me if I didn’t respond quickly or make me take pics of where I was at bc he said he though HE was getting played. I don’t think there will be any trouble… I’m not going to worry about it. But yeah be safe out there! Definitely trust your gut.

  78. Thank you so much for this! I was actually just talking to a “sugar daddy” & he wanted me to buy some amazon gift cards for his “business partners” of $500 each he wanted me to use my credit card then he will pay it off… I was just like “umm sorry not doing that, bye!” And blocked him. Thanks to this article! Thank you!

  79. So I don’t know if this is a new scam but I know I’m not gonna do it but I feel I should let the rest of you sugar babies know about it I have a guy who message me and immediately said he wanted me and only me and to follow his directions if I followed his directions then he would give me a certain allowance per week here’s where it gets skept at he asked me to delete my happy matches account and to record myself while deleting it . I figure it’s a scam to get my personal info some hell so I’m not doing it but be careful ladies and don’t give out your cell phone carrier

  80. this literally just happened to me, he kept insisting i needed a credit card because he “isn’t comfortable with cash app or paypal” despite me having a valid debit cash card with cash app he was adamant i sign up for a citi credit card. i never gave him any information but i was curious and found this site and confirmed my gut feeling, so he’s blocked now.

    also, when he started asking about credit cards i went to look at his profile again (on SeekingArrangements) and it was completely gone

  81. I just recently had the same thime happen to me. He paid off my capital on of 2300 adn then asked me to send 1700 through Western Union for a Bitcoin seller. So I did, and western union didn’t allow the person to ouck up so I had to cancel the next day. I then notice his ach payment was returned. Good thing I had canceled the WU payment. Im still out the fee and 100$ STEAM card he asked me to buy. But better than everything. Then he had an excuse that his back returned due to the amount that he needed to confirm. And he will pay me back. He to had and accountant. No he wants me to give him my chase info so he can transfer directly. I keep telling him nope he can send me though paypal. And he keeps saying because he is Canada he can’t. His phone number is from West Virginia where he resides sometimes or so he says. I mean everything he says where he works at. Is true but still fishy. Fool me once shame on you fools me twice shame on me.

  82. i literally already feel so dirty for seeking a SD but like, this guy asked for a google play card for 25$ so i can get my allowance and like man it is so frustrating for babies that need help and keep getting scammed

  83. This happened to me. I’m not stupid, he asked for me to choose and I chose prepaid and a girl does not give out her bank account info for no one. That’s just a setup in half. So he was patient about it, and first off I was wondering why. But he said get 50 on a card (a card that was non reloadable mind you) and he would put my money on there. I put 20 cause I have a full time job and I wanted to be safe. He got upset and told me to wait 40 minutes. I did. I called the place and put in a ticket but I doubt it will do anything. It was only 20 bucks and I’m not mad, it’s just funny cause he’s still talking to me thinking that he won.

  84. I just got screwed over not even an hour ago because I read that this was a common thing for sugar daddys would do. I just got scammed out of $500 and I feel so stupid. I do not know how I am going to pay for this. He gave my his bank account information to put on my credit card account to pay for it but I do not know if it actually even a real bank account. Any suggestions?

  85. So I don’t know if my Sugar is a scammer but I’m thinking so. They paid off most of my credit cards, but want me to buy them a Nordstrom gift card? I know not all scammers use iTunes or the like for their cards but should I be concerned? They said they were very busy and they got mad when I said I was just being cautious and asked for a pic with the date in it. Help

  86. I was on seeking arangment and got scammed by a guy named “Parker Wiggins”. He said his wife died and needed someone to keep conversation with him. I ended up giving him my bank info and he said he was going to put $1000 in. I looked and it was pending $5000. I was confused but kinda excited because I really needed the money. He kept asking me to go buy a google play and iTunes gift cards both for $50 and I tried but the bank blocked my account due to the large check. I had to wait 3 days for the check to release and it didn’t tell me right away it was fraud. I withdrew $550 at the bank and a day later saw the check had bounced and I was now in debt $447 that i owed to the bank. He kept asking me to transfer $1000 to the zelle app and THANK GOD i didn’t do it. He was really hostile the whole time and I’m glad I cut it off. I finally got everything right with the bank, but I’ll never give my info again.

  87. This is my story I found three surgar daddy’s. I messaged all three of them on a app called kik . I start talking to them and they tell me what all girls want to her is that he will make me happy he send my money and he will treat me like a princess. The first surgar daddies I had they sees nice. They asked me if I trusted them I said yea. Then they started to ask me for my banking I information so they can put money into my person account. I was desperate wanting the money I gave it them. This is when I saw the red flags I asked a couple of friends if it was right to give out your banking information starting google is your surgar daddy fake. I went it to the bank the next to see if I can close my bank account and re open onther. I told fhe bank what happens and that said that there where two personal checks that where deposit in to my account. I close that account and open a new one. Now all three of my surgar daddies are asking me to buy them stuff like I tunes cards and google play cards I went to buy the cards and it would not let me buy more then one card. They wall mart lady said that there where so many people that have been scammed from this cards that u onley can buy so many at a time. And I called them out about it masking it it was a scam and all three of them said no I would never do that I need this cards to upgrade my account. Or buy coins for bin coin will it turns out bit coin is used to buy drugs . And they get mad at him and now there telling me to open a new account and I said no.

  88. I get messages all the time about starting an allowance. Talked to one and he wanted to immediately start me on one. I said no. Flat refused. I want to meet and see if I even like you. He was discouraged. Then as a last resort asked me for an amazon card. That’s when it hit me these scammers love this site because it’s easier to scam people because of the allowance thing. Out of every 10 messages you can bet 9 are fake. Look to date people who are local no more then 100 miles away you can meet in person and ignore the rest that’s my advice

  89. This is happening now. He sent me a check through email and I deposited it and the money did go through but he wanted me to buy a few gift cards, and keep the remaining balance. I’m not sure what to do. Should I block him?

  90. I’m new to the sugar baby thing. But I just got scammed. This guy was willing to send me a large amount of money every week and I was so willing to accept it. But I wasn’t thinking! He asked me to purchase 3 gift cards and put 50 dollars in each one, since that was a “requiring fee” to reload it with a bigger amount. I purchased them and then He told he needed 3 more! When I called the cards they were at 0 dollars and after I refused to get 3 more cards he stopped talking to me. I’m looking into tips and red flags to look out for now. I feel so dumb but I’ve learned my lesson.

  91. I was just almost scammed by a sugar daddy claiming he’s from Topeka Kansas I need to be to open up an account by Chase It’s Finn by Chase account but he needs my banking information he wants me to send him all the information and then he’s going to deposit the money in there and when I tell him know to go ahead and send me the money MoneyGram or Western Union and told him an excuse to see if he even care about me he made this big excuse to him and he said I’m the one who told you to open up that account if you don’t trust me that’s fine you have a good life red flag red flag the way he text me sound like he was an older gentleman but when he got on the phone he sounded like he was an illiterate from another region please beware

  92. I’ve only recently started sugaring so fortunately I haven’t actually gotten scammed yet, but so far all the sugar daddies I’ve talked to so far are all doing a ‘test’ where they need me to get a gift card. I can’t get that, I barely have enough money to take me up to school and back!! Fo

  93. Just had an encounter with a sugar scan. He was so sweet and I mentioned money sharing apps like cash app and google pay and he wanted me to buy a $50 amazon gift card and he said he’d load $500 on it weekly. I told him that was a scam and he’s a scammer he said he can’t use money sharing apps because he’s a business man and it’s too risky. A REAL sugar daddy would never tell YOU to buy something and if he gives you a weekly allowance, he’d sent it via PayPal, cash app, etc. Why would I let my allowance be loaded on to an amazon gift card all of the time rather than have it in my bank account?? Doesn’t even make sense

  94. I kind of got scammed my scammer daddy asked to pay off my credit card and I thought he was being nice but he wanted to pay it off so I can use my credit card to buy him gift cards and he pays my card back…so I did it once because he had paid $2,000 on my credit card..and then it went from $200 on a gift card to asking for $1000 the following day…he told me he worked in another country and couldn’t have buy them..that’s when I knew he was lying and I told him about hisself and he kept trying to get me to do I it one more and then told me he wouldn’t buy me an IPhone if I do it one more time !

  95. Hi,
    I have been scammed.
    I mean there is a lot of questions involved right now, but short story: I received 1000 dollars which 800 was directed to buy bitcoins and 100 to a gift card and the rest for myself.
    I’m scared about many stuff, and the money is being on hold by the bank if anyone can help or have any tip of how to proceed from here it would be very very grateful.

    • Did you get any advice? I feel like I screwed up big time with my bank because he deposited 1,000 fake check with my username and password to my mobile account and my bank has an open investigation against me!

  96. i have a guy asking me to dress in normal clothing then to strip and send it to him so he can asses my body to see if im what hes looking for what do you think?

    • I’m new to the sugar world, but that seems like a hoax to me. No real sugar daddy would ask you to send nudes or ask you to strip to “assess your body”. If he wanted to see someone strip, he can always turn to pornhub.

  97. I’ve been learning that if they ask for gift cards. It is not safe. There is many people in my area who are being scammed this way a cashier told me. I had a sugar momma begging and pushing me to get 6 $100 gift cards. The cashier stopped in and gave her opinion. I was already on edge but that triggered me to stop everything. This happened today and she is still messaging me to get the cards. She has been becoming defensive. She also told me to take a picture of the receipt which was a big hint for me to stop everything.

  98. I’ve been contacted by a guy who’s said he’s gonna deposit a high amount of money into my PayPal and that I have to buy a $50 iTunes gift card to cover the transaction fee as he owns for a business connected with apple and it has to go through the business account, definitely a scam right?

  99. A sugar momma I met on a dating app has been begging me to get her a google play card, I told her to deposit the first week of allowance into my account to prove it wasn’t a scam, I’m waiting on my bank to make sure it’s a good check if it bounces I’m already in the process of closing my account

  100. So I have this guy who’s a sugar daddy and he put like 400 on my credit card but now he wants me to buy google play cards. But I’m worried he will some how withdrawn his money and over draft my card. He threatened to call the FBI if I don’t but his cards and idk what to do I also got a text from someone at “homelands” like homeland security this I need to resolve this with mr.smith before I go to jail… so like idk what to do.

    • There is a zero percent chance that Homeland Swcurity is gonna send you a text. That scammer is just trying to play you, ignore and block!!

  101. so this guy hit me up on twitter and said he would be my sugar daddy without sex or nudes so I agreed and talked to him for one weekend. He asked for my bank acc info to put his check into my accoun, I told him he could venmo or cash app or soemthing but he refused and said that it was the only way. He insterted a 4,8000 check under the name lance hoeitkle ( not the name he told me btw). so two days goes by and he then inserts another check that was 3,8000 under the name connie shrewsbury. He told me I could keep 800 for myself and get him amazon gift cards with the rest..i decided to call him out bc obviously something was off. I called my bank ad=nd the mobile deposit wont pass for another couple days but I changed my password and told the man ( goes by Bill Gawor) that i cought him and would be filing a report.. he went on about me not being loyal and that I was stealing his money and he would be taking me to court and I would rot in jail. So idk if the checks are gonna bounce or not but I really dont think he will go to the police do you??????? can i really get in trouble

  102. I fell for a scam. I’m new to this and didn’t know what to do. I sent money for him and got him gift cards. It was with his money so I thought it would be fine. I cut him off, but he deposited money in my account and won’t take it back. He’s threatening my life. I’m scared to go to the police because I’m worried I involved myself in something illegal. What do I do?

    • Girl I promise you, that money is fake. I fell for it once. My account even initially said the money went through, so I put my down payment for my car on my account, then my account got locked because I was suddenly overdrawn by 3,000. The payment was fake. Don’t even touch it girl, or you’ll get yourself in trouble

  103. hey guys i’m Currently going through the same thing my sugar daddy sent me a check through my gmail he didn’t want my bank info but i deposited it he told me he wanted me to send a certain amount to his son i believe but I have it because the deposit is still processing but I’m not sure what to do because it won’t be available until a week from now when it should be available the next day I think he sent me a fake check. I have no idea what to do can somebody please help me. Will i get into any legal troubles ,?

  104. i’m actually dealing with this right now. some guy hmu offering to pay me 3200 for myfaithfulness and honesty” or some shit and then asked me to get an $100 amazon gift card and then somehow will connect it all to paypal. i was stupid and did it and then he took the money from the gift card and refused to pay me bc i wouldn’t send him nudes. now he’s trying to do it again but i won’t. moral of the story: don’t do it.

  105. I almost got scammed 2 times by this, the second one just now (as I’m typing this). HAHA it’s a good thing I am broke af, and I stumbled upon this article =))

  106. This man just tried to get me with Amazon card I almost fell for it but I looked it up and I seen you guys comments and stories. So, I blocked him and reported him. I meet him on a sugardaddy website and he gave me his Twitter and number. He said my allowance was going to be 5,000 a month 🙄so I went with it he was talking about PayPal but told me I need to buy a $500 Amazon card 🤷🏾‍♀️I said “you trying to scam me?” He like “no baby dnt you trust me?” Hell nooo BLOCKED!!

  107. Can someone give me some advice? My sugar mommy has exhibited a lot of these signs, claimed she hit her transfer limit, asked for my bank info. That was the first red flag. I moved my money to see to make sure she couldn’t steal from me, just to see if she’d really give me money. My account got locked, she asked for the info again, and when I tried to convince her to use Venmo or any other app, she insisted she couldn’t with her business account. Then when I tried giving her the info again, she deposited a check for $500 in my account. She then asked me to buy $500 worth of google pay cards or give her my cash app info and enable withdraws under bitcoin, and after that she would pay me through that somehow. I found this particularly sketchy because I’d asked if she could just pay me on cash app in the first place, she said she didn’t use it. I didn’t buy the gift cards, I’m not sure what I should do. The money is still in my account, but I changed my bank password and unlinked my bank from cashapp. Do I give the money back? Is this a definite scam?

  108. recently just got scammed asweell. i was offered 400 dollar allowance a week! he inserted 1,910 in my account through check deposit. after he did that he asked me if i can go get him 2 Google play Gift cards! im happy i went with my instinct. i kinda was like oh i cant right now im in class etc!but i was trippin out when he put so much money in my account! he got upset so i asked him is there anyone in your family i can send this money too. i found it kinda odd he didnt want to qucik pay me or venmo me so it was my stupid fault for giving him my account info. anyways when i tried to send that money over to his friend. it sent alert to my bank account! My bank put a restriction on my account and im soo happy they did. so my sugar daddy and i started arguing. and he then switched and said i caused this. if i wouldve listened to him and got him the cards this wouldnt have never happened. all in all the checks were fake! he goes by the name if andrew rodriguez and hes on seeking.com i guess i should have read more about this and reading about the gift card situation thats exactly what happened to me! be careful you guys!

  109. I talked to a sugardaddy via text after responding to his message on a website. He asked me to buy a onevanilla prepaid card ( not the reloadable kind). He says that’s the only way he could transfer money and he cannot use PayPal or venmo or any of those other apps. That made no sense to me and of course that raised a red flag. If the onevanilla card is not reloadable I don’t know how he can transfer money to it. But I would have to pay 25 of my own money to get the card and that alone maybe Run for the Hills. If these guys have so much money and a valid bank account then I see no reason why they can’t use PayPal or venmo or cash app. I also have a feeling that even if this guy really did give me money it would probably be money stolen from a scam victim or illegally obtained in some other way. That sounded to me like money laundering which I want no part of because I do not want to go to prison.

  110. I had a “sugar daddy” that I trusted that asked for my bank info.. he took $500 out of my account and it broke my heart.. I’ve had two others tell me that they are sending money through their company so I need to buy $100 worth of amazon cards and once I do that and send them the card they’d send me anywhere from $1500 to $2500 and I have not done that because I don’t trust it at all. Why is it so hard to find a real sugar daddy? Tired of the scammers..

  111. So I’m new to this whole sugar baby thing, for a long time I was so sceptical about having a sugar daddy but now I have one. I meet him on this dating website where he said who he was and how much my allowance would be long story short we have been talking for a month and just certain things seem to good to be true. I wanna trust him but then again I’m not sure. He’s sent me pics but not a lot. I just need help figuring if this guy is real or not. Please any sugar baby out there that can help I would be greatly appreciative.

  112. Hello, I’m new to this whole thing and just met a SD a few days ago. We talked and talked for a bit and during that time he mentioned that he wouldn’t use a third party app for money but I didn’t have to give my details to him and that he’d work with me. He just gave me bank details and had me pay my credit card off, saying that any time I needed money to just let him know and he’d let me know when to transfer funds. Now that the money went through he wants me to help him by sending money to a business paypal account of which he sent me a ss of the account that shows me all the info like holder, business name, email, phone, and merchant ID. He wants me to send 900 of the amount he just paid off to them in order to help him since, as mentioned earlier, he doesn’t use third party apps. He’s also promised me a job if I don’t get the one I’m applying for and I’m just lost as to what to do. On one hand I have so many questions and if I should just trust my instincts that it’s all a long con scam but on the other hand literally everything up to this point has had me believing that he’s real. I can talk about more stuff but at the same time both he and I are on a time schedule as there’s things that I want to buy rn that only come out at the time on wednesday and he with needing to send payment to the paypal account. Someone please help me try and figure this out asap.

  113. i’m currently trying to figure out if i’m being scammed, up front he offered to pay my credit card & gave me his bank account information & they payment went through. now he’s insisting that i buy $500 gift cards and send him the information from them. i don’t plan to buy the gift cards but was wondering what i should do from here?

    • The same thing is happening to me right now. I’m holding him off for now but I’m freaking out. What happened in the end for you? Did he get the money back that he paid off on your credit cards?

  114. I’m going through this now, I regret it. I didn’t give him any bank info or logins, he gave me his account info. I wanted to cancel the payment but it went through and now he’s texting and calling demanding his Google play cards. Can they trace your personal info with a confirmation number for the payment itself?? I’m freaking out because I got a text with a google verification code but gmail usually alerts when I log in from a different place.

  115. I just started to become a sugar baby but it’s been a terrible experience so far. I got scammed. My sugar daddy asked me to go get a amazon gift card for $100 and send him the information so he can subscribe to the VPN number and send me money I got the card and he said it wasn’t enough and I had to get another one that’s when I knew he was just trying to take my money and I cutt him off

  116. I’ve had this more than once. Unfortunately fell for it the first time. They message making these offers and claims and then ask for my PayPal which I happily oblige. They then try and say their bank or whatever won’t authorise it for whatever reason and that they need the gift card to help the payment go through… Then stop talking. I’ve had others ask for banking information which I flat out refused to give. Stopped talking straight away. They always get caught in their lies.

  117. I actually had a scaddy “scam daddy” tell me that “they didn’t have gift cards in Germany”. 😂😂 I literally googled it and sent it to him before blocking him

  118. Just went thru it. But, I wanted to play it thru because I knew it was a scam but I needed proof before slamming this so-called sugar daddy. He asked for my PayPal Link (which is safe). Next he says, He wants me to buy him a $100 Amazon Gift Card. I told him, I’m broke. I tell him to send the $$ and then from there, I will use his money and send him the card. Well, that wasn’t happening.Then a Red Flag went off, when he asked if I had a credit card or a bank account. I told him No. Told him that I knew he was a scammer. He just told me, that I had nothing to scam. Met him on Twitter.He goes by the names: Ramirez44325744 or Mike Van Shabola or ShabolaVan. I have the whole conversation in text messages. I knew this was s scam from the beginning. Don’t fall for this crap! You never get nothing for free!

  119. So I’ve been talking to this SD and he gave me HIS account and routing number and I paid off all my credit cards with it and it has cleared and been processed. But then he asked me to go to target or Walmart and buy him 6 100$ google play cards and obviously that is a scam. I’m not going to do it, but is there a way for him to get his money back from me that has already paid off my credit cards?

    • Yes it is possible but the thing is that it was probably never his money or account that was used to pay your debt. Once the owner of the account find out that there is fraud on it the payments will be reversed on your end and you will still owe.

  120. Omg ladies reading these comments makes me feel less alone. I too fell for the iTunes and steam scam. With fraudulent checks and all. He took a total of 250$ from me claiming that he was selling the cards to a gamer (even had me emailing with said gamer) about sending me 2500$. Once I sent the last card the gamer stopped emailing. My sugar daddy did too. He would try to sneak back in and text me but I’ve blocked all his numbers now. Changed all my online info. He too had told me he was a construction worker for a company currently working in Canada. I feel so stupid. That was money I really needed too.

  121. I had someone message me on instagram claimimg to be a sugar daddy wanting to send me money, he promised an allowance of $500 a week, he asked for my bank information, all i gave was acc no and sort code no name or date of birth, he made excuses and said his accountant said he needed my log in details and password, i refused, he then asked who my mobile provider was, i refused, then he asked if i had a credit card and an account and how much was in there, then he asked for the numbers on my credit card, i refused, then he askes me to download blockchain on my phone and he would send it through there but i had to be quick as he needed to send it by tuesday, and he needed me to help him send his sons money after taking my cut of the money but i had to buy amazon gift cards with it, i agreed but never downloaded it, blocked him and reported his account to instagram.

  122. They tried to scam me. They asked for my Cashapp and then asked me to buy a Steam Gift Card. I asked them what for. They said verification. I told him that made no sense and a gaming card would let him continue to be anonymous. I’m a gamer, so I know what a Steam card is. He said the same thing and created a fake image of him sending me 4000 via the Cashapp. I told him he was attempting to scam me. He vehemently denied it. I told him in all caps that I wouldn’t buy him a card. I also have screenshots of all conversations. If you want to see them, hit me up on venuspower@mail.com.

  123. Omg I’m in the same boat. A found a SD and he emailed me a check for $900. $500 is my allowance and he sent me an extra $400 for me to purchase him a gift card. The check went through and the money is in my account and is available for me to use now but is it safe? If it is a bad check would have not gone through in the first place?

  124. SO i just went through the same thing luckly the acxount info he has is to an account that is closed so he cant do anything with it he uploaded money to my credit card and since my credit was over due it paid the balance meaning his scamm was shot I seen he added rhe email jarkhel101@gmail.com as the primary email and removed the setting that i get sent a code when anyone logs in i changed it over night he was mad saying “my money is gone” he wasnt too smart or else he wouldve seen it was restricted he didnt want to do pay pal he said he’d do 500 weekly plus other bills he went by Rico 46 white from Orlando florida . i was knew to this and in debt so yeah i fell for it. Never give out your bank info ladies seriously im a Butch black at that . i let him know what i wouldn’t be doing and he deleted his account from tagged . he started asking me to open accounts online flexshopper he wanted a apple wrist watch 4 which didnt make sense because he claimed to have money. Lucky me i have one credit debt down but now i know and im letting others know .if you need money that bad remember money is the root to ALL evil this couldve been worst but i wasnt that dumb. I would never have given him any info if i had a good standing account with money on it so this was a leson for me. Lol I’ll be doing uber eats all day tomorrow before work because I dont need NO mf sugar daddy .

  125. someone help me im new to this and i just got a card and a sugar daddy asked me to give me my bank account information on the app i said he could give me money on other safer stuff but he freaked so i gave him my info and he said he was going to give me an allowance of $200 a week but he said his “accountant” would do it and it shows a deposit of $1,851.01 we talked on the phone but when i tried to call him it sounded weird it was like please leave your name after the beep then it started ringing meanwhile this guy was trying to call me while it was still ringing. am i being scammed? please answer right away

  126. Sugar daddy says “I don’t send money to app either bank account or pay phone bills debt or credit card debt that’s all”. Is that legit?

    What should I do?

  127. I almost got scammed was promised £2000 on the day if I brought a steam card. 1st red flag . Why would us sugar babies want online gaming credit. Then when j said I brought the wrong card he said hes getting f*ing angry with me . I put £50 on travel money card and I’m so glad I didn’t get the gift card the urgency behind wanting me to got to a store and him wanting to choose me a card was very agressive. Then he said hed pay me 10k ! If I made home and online dating profile. I said I was pissed off ,he switched from dom to sub . And was begging me to complete the profile . I told him PayPal a small amount and well continue, he said it wasnt secure enough , I know bull right. I said I was going to block him and reactivte my profile he was very rude and told me I wouldn’t receive my allowance I said I was happy to accommodate a nice sugar daddy. Not one that’s aggressive and swears at me . And then I blocked him . I’ve come across people wanting an escort more genuine and polite . At least they are honest have the cash and pay for ya time not to treat you like shit for £50 on a gift card

  128. Yeah this man came popping up in my dms. Saying his been looking at my profile for a min and then ask me to be his sugar baby, I agreed and we start talking. We talked for about a week and I had broken my phone. I told him I can only communicate with him through my iPad, so he told me that he will send me some money. I said damn ok; the thing that bothered me is when he asked for my sign in for my bank account. I told him that I will never give a person my login or my personal info. I asked him can he do a Cashapp he said he can, but then tells me to go to walk greens or whatever store, and buy a play store card. I told him no, he can do the cash app. He kept trying to explain to me, and then I fall for it. I gave home my bank sign in and stuff but I gave him an old one that was still active, but I wasn’t putting money in it 9 remind you it was a net spend prepaid card). He didn’t want that, so we argued over that, then I gave him my info on my real card, but then I changed my login info so he won’t use on the bank app. He then he reply and text like “I don’t know why you don’t trust me and stuff”, but any way long story short I denied any type of access to my shit and won’t be texting him again!

  129. I’ve almost been scammed 4 times so far and I know more will come. There seems to be more and more men just looking for ladies to scam.
    It all starts the same, we chat and before I know it they are offering me a weekly allowance. All I need to do is give them my bank information because their bank doesn’t let them use paypal or any other cashapps anymore.
    I’m not stupid, but it is fun to play with them for a bit.
    I just had one a week ago try to get me to buy gift cards,because he couldn’t buy them just reload them. He tried to show me a text conversation between him and another sb to prove he was telling the truth. I told him if he wanted me to have a gift card he could get me one.
    I feel terrible for all the women that are falling for this stuff and get their money taken.

  130. I can’t tell if I’m about to get scammed. So this guy paid me $800 over cash app, which is trustworthy because he didn’t ask me for any of my banking info or anything. At first he did send me pictures of a check for me to deposit using mobile deposit but it didn’t work so he just sent me money on cash app. Anyways, he told me to use $500 of the $800 he gave me to buy 5 $100 Amazon gift cards. He also told me to withdraw cash from the ATM before purchasing the cards. Now this all sounds so shady but I don’t understand if it’s actually a scam or not because he doesn’t have any of my information and literally gave me the money to buy the gift cards over cash app. I have not heard of anyone being in this situation yet so I have no idea what to do or how to react. Someone please help me? Is this a scam? I’ve gotten him 3 gift cards but should I stop there? Im just confused because I can’t tell if he’s trying to scam me or use me to cover up his tracks for another scam? I’m not sure… It’s just that a lot of the scam stories I’ve read involves sharing of secret banking info and I haven’t done any of that and I haven’t even done mobile deposit. Just cash app. And I’m not even buying the gift cards with my card! I’m using cash that I withdrew to buy them. So what the hell is going on?

  131. This sugar daddy been asking to get google play card or a steam gift card to pay him back and I send the barcode to him and then he says it does not work. Than he asks to get another one because it says the card had been redeemed by someone else but I don’t use the card at all but him and I are the only ones that have the code to the card. What should I do about

  132. So I been doing this sugar thing for a while, 3 years to be exact. This is my advice to all the sugar babies out there. Like this article says there are all these apps like Venmo PayPal and Cash App etc. so there is absolutely no reason for them to not use these. If you’re SD/SM keeps telling you to make a separate account or asking for your bank info or login or login to pay your credit card. And Keeps making excuses on why they can’t use those Money apps. ITS A SCAM! Don’t do it! The reason why they want you to make a separate account is so they can use it for money laundering except it will be under your name so you will be the one in trouble. In fact if your SD/SM is suggesting any sort of money movement whether it’s transferring money to another account or moving it to a card block them!! They can do that themselves they are using you as an accessory to fraud.

  133. I would like to share my recent experience. There Was a man in my DMs. He seemed like a nice person he had kids and everything. Instagram look legit , other than the fact he has only been on it for a year…

  134. I would like to share my recent experience. There Was a man on my instagram. He seemed like a nice person he had kids and everything. Instagram look legit , other than the fact he has only been on it for a year…
    So we were talking for a very short time he was telling me he wanted me to be his Sugar baby. He didn’t even ask for my name to me that right there alone is a red flag. So one of the first thing he asked was do you have any credit card debt? I told him there is a credit card I want to pay off and the amount then he asked what my credit limit was. Isn’t it odd why does he need to know that ?
    So he offered to pay $400 towards that. And I said cool I’ll take it. Then he asked if I had an online login of course I was not going to give it to him and he said he understood. I told him I have Venmo cash app and PayPal. Of course he tells me he can’t use any of those apps because he has this “special account” with Chase bank that doesn’t allow him to use them . (At this point I already know it’s a scam but wanted just to see how far it goes.)
    Now this is the crazy part. He offered to give me HIS routing and his account number. And that he wanted to set up an external payment to deposit my allowance every month. So I do a little research and find out that yeah sure with some of these apps you can’t add certain business accounts or business debit cards but it’s vety rare. But there is an app called Zelle that works between banks like Bank of America and Chase Bank. You can use Zelle with any type of account as long as you have a checking account. So when I mentioned this he said again he can’t use Zelle and now he’s getting frustrated because I’m confronting him about why he can’t use an app that is literally designed to work directly with his bank and my bank…
    So just for shitts and giggles I asked him “okay go ahead and give me that account and routing number daddy ;)” now he’s all excited he really thinks I’m going to do it. So he tells me to just go ahead and pay off the full amount because he needs my help. He wants me to use my credit to cash app money to his niece since he doesn’t have an account 😂 LOL. so i said okay 🙂 sureee. He told me to send a screenshot once I do it. So instead I write this numbers down and called chase bank directly and ask them to verify if this is a legitimate account they won’t tell me if it’s fraudulent or whether it has sufficient funds, but they did tell me that this account is in-active. Which can mean it’s has been dormant for 5 years or that it is frozen. Either way if I was to use this to pay my credit card bill it would bounced and I would have to pay that whole amount. So I just told him I called my credit card and just told me it’s invalid number Then he goes “ oops I gave you the wrong number I should have worn my glasses” 🙄 then gives me
    another account number which is completely different than that first one. Then he asked why don’t just do it online I said I don’t know my login and also Credit card company can tell me if a checking account is legit or not So this time I take that number and call chase bank and tell them to contact me to the fraud department now they’re going to investigate him for fraud. 😂😂😂 I have pictures of him I have his Instagram and I have his business email for evidence he’s pretty screwed now. Lol 😂 i’m not a sugarbaby to be messed with that’s for sure!

  135. I got scammed twice the first time i caught oke I actually went through with the gift card situation and then the check bounced & then i blocked him and stopped communicating and all the second time the guy kept asking for my bank information threatening saying he knows my friends and family and knows where i live and claim that if i don’t do what he wants he would send me to jail and then i stop responding to him to

  136. I’m going through something similar he tried to put two checks into my account one was for 400 weekly allowance an the rest to send to a charity .. an my bank called an said there was suspicious activity an canceled the checks well I meassaged him an told him that I didn’t want his money or anything to do with him now he’s saying that I stoll all his money an blah blah and then wanted me to get a $50 card to send to his “daughter “ for her birthday then said he wanted me to get one to sent to his lawyer an wouldn’t tell me why he needed it .. I of course didn’t do it .. but now he’s treating to kill me for stealing his money whitch I don’t even have ..

  137. This exact thing happened to me. Luckily the bank caught the deposit and froze my account. I gave him a bank account that is open but never use. Hopefully this will be the last I hear from him. He goes by the name Charles Durand, Software Developer in Huntington Beach, CA. Is phone is 714 215 3380. He told me he’d deposit money to my account and I was to buy him 2 Apple Store cards for $2000 each. He claimed he would pay off all my credit debt and give me a $600/week allowance. Like most of the other women, I was desperate for money and I fell for something I know was stupid in the first place. Now that I know, this will never happen to me again. I’ll update when I have more info. Hang in there ladies!

    • Hi Taken!
      I was almost taken today by “Charles Durand of Orange County”. I wasn’t looking for a sugar daddy and he popped up on my dating app. Offered to pay 5k today in credit card debt and $600/week allowance. I didn’t trust the situation or the pictures at all. I told him I wanted to talk on the phone, he was clearly not the guy in the pictures and he was not happy that I told him it was a scam. He told me he sprained his ankle 2 days after and he couldn’t find any help going to the Apple store to get cards for Crypto currency. I called bull and hung up on him. I just reported him to Bustr app. Would be nice to connect with you if possible.

    • Hello Taken in CA- I talked to “Charles Durand” as well.
      I knew it was a scam- he was on an app for plus size women using a fake photo. He told me the same thing, $600 allowance per week but he quickly “ sprained/ dislocated “ his ankle. That’s when I knew he’d ask for money and he asked me to run an errand for him and go to get him iTunes cards for his crypto currency. Lmao, give me a break! I told him it was a scam and he called me insulting. I reported him to the app. Please be careful, these men are approaching women in various ways to scam us.

  138. Ok I have a situation where a daddy sent me and electronic check to my email and I deposited it online, one check was for 1k and the other was too. So 2k in total was added to my bank account and the checks cleared. Then he starts telling me to send 1k to a Venmo account for his “worker” and same with the other 1k to a different account. I didn’t send them anything. He then starts getting different numbers to call me and text me, so I blocked him and all the numbers. What I’m wondering is if this check is fake and will it bounce. I’ve spent some money already and everything seems normal but I’m just a little uneasy about it all. Part of me thinks it’s real money because he said if he didn’t get it back he’s going to make sure I’m put in jail and make a fraud claim against me.

    • I’m dealing with the same thing. The MICN numbers on the bottom of the check I was sent weren’t in the correct order. My bank put a hold on the check for a week. Figured they would catch it during that time and kick the deposit back and I would be done with it. Your SD name wouldn’t be Alvin would it? If so we are dealing with the same person. I ran their phone numbers through white pages and they’re using the TextNow app to text with.

  139. This sound like what I’m going through now ever time I ask him to send my allowance through zelle or venom he tell me can’t his company doesn’t trust that but he would turn around ask me get gift cards I told him no and the reminding of the money he send me I got some of my things together. Now he text me and threatening me send 900 he even had his sister write me ig threating me as well. I don’t know what to do I taught this would be a good experience but it sucks I been sb for three years now.
    Please someone write me give advice because this got me worried.

  140. Yeah, unfortunately, people suck because any crook will find any way to try to scam to get into someone’s bank account. I’m young but not stupid. If you’re on the sugar daddy apps, you can almost tell right away if he is legit. Firstly, he wouldn’t pressure you into sending any bank information. Also if he asks for your username and password, SAY NO. There are so many other ways to do that. If he said that’s the only way, I suggest finding someone else.
    I know that sugar daddies do ask for your account information for a direct deposit but it’s difficult when there’s a lot of scamming going on and that’s an identity theft’s common way to get your identity. If you trust him with that info, please request a fraud-proof pic. Which means him with a picture of his face on it, or video chat, phone call. So when he does try to fraud you, you have his information and immediately report him to identity theft because its a serious crime.
    To be on the safe side, the email is the best option. Make sure that email is not synced to your google pws, your address, and absolutely NOT YOUR BANKING INFO.
    Be a smart sugar baby.
    A legit sugar daddy will often be impressed with you when he knows you’ve done your research.

    Good luck everyone.

  141. I’m new to the sugaring scene but the only SD’s I’ve met so far have all seemed sketchy. They say its easier to deposit money through the bank or that getting a gift card is verification. One would not stop saying ‘you can trust me’ so I finally blocked him. Another said that all pre paid gift cards keep track of names, numbers, and addresses, which was really creepy. Safe to say I’m not stupid enough to just give anyone my info or buy them gift cards 🙂

  142. What about him offering to send you a cashiers check you just have to send the rest of the money to a payroll officer?

  143. I got scammed really bad. I was being super dumb and gave out my bank info and now my my account is negative $2500 and I only work part time because of disability. And my bank basically said, “You’re so stupid, how could you have fallen for that.” So yeah, now I have no idea what the hell I’m going to do.

  144. I’m currently scamming the scammer. This man approached me on Grindr offering to be a sugar daddy to me.. what gave me red flags were his broken English messages. The second red flag was about sex. And third one was asking for screenshots of credit card payments after offering to pay for them.

    Long story short, he gave me routing numbers and account numbers. I payed my credit cards and the following morning, so that he didn’t cancel them, I closed down the accounts. I he also gave me two $2000 checks, which I’m sure aren’t really his, so I’m waiting for them to clear and then cashing them out and closing down my bank account as well. I refuse to get scammed.

    Side note: he keeps asking me to buy gift cards of $500 each and to send them for his co workers. I won’t do that obviously lol

  145. Okay so mine gave me the money and now wants his money back.this guy apparently has 645,000 or something and he says he needs steams cards. I have already spent his money because I had to pay rent. He needs the cards for his daughters husband. Who apparently lost his job.like he isn’t even from the USA like I thought I dont know what to do. I sent him steam cards before to shut him up.

  146. Okay so there is this guy who’s been texted me for a few days now , he transferred $1800 into my bank account and it has been in there all day . He asked me to buy $500 steam cards and send them to him. Since I only had $0.61 in my account I wasn’t worried about him sending money to me. I bought the cards and sent them to him . Did I fuck up? Is this a scam if the money actually is in my account and I can spend it ?

  147. I have a “sugar daddy” asking me to get a steam wallet card. And I googled it, they can’t send u money from there and it’s not even real money. Like wtf I told him that and he still wants me to get it. So I blocked him.

  148. So i might just caught on to a scammer since its a sugar momma and she just ask me to buy her steam wallets. Can I be sure if this is a scam and should just block them?

  149. Thank you to the website and comments! I just started getting into this stuff and a sugar daddy messaged me and wanted me to buy a gift card. He said it was tied to the money for the fees, that once I got the gift card the money would be sent to my paypal. What really made me question it was why was there so much money in his paypal but he needed me to buy a gift card to pay for his fees? He said he wanted me to show commitment to him because he had been scammed by other sugar babies who would get the money and block him. But I didn’t do anything so why was he paying me? It was very odd. So I checked this cite just in case I was being paranoid and read the comments. I told the guy that I wouldn’t spend any money on him but if he wanted to talk to get to know me before sending the money that would be fine. He immediately blocked me! Don’t fall for this stuff. It could end really badly.

  150. I got ripped off too but my bestfriend introduced me to this freelancer hacker who helped me track him down to texas I got the scammer arrested and got all my money back. For anyone who loves revenge contact him on whatsapp or text him on + 156245 54717 name is Yakim

  151. Hi I am just reading all this comments and my fake sugar daddy did the same to me, I am about to stop it but he got me on a debt with my bank of $10,000.00 dólar and I really thought that he wanted to help me right know I need help!! I have debts and with my father being sick and having he’s leg amputated I don’t know what to do anymore.

  152. so I met a guy willard Schuster he seems really nice, hasn’t asked for nudes only regular pictures, sent me pics and videos as well, hasn’t asked me to purchase any cards or my actual bank log in just my email and said he will send me the check and I can deposit it in my acct. im on the fence thinking I may be being scammed also.

  153. Got told to buy a google play card didn’t tell me a specific amount and that he would transfer the money to my cash app sent me screenshots of two different girls he “sent” money to and has a screenshot posted. I need help is it a scam

  154. I have a question. I have seen the gift card thing twice now. A sugar mama has given me thousands of dollars, but then she asks me to buy $900 dollars worth of sephora gift cards with the money SHE gave me! Why does she deposit money into my account and then ask me to use it on her? What’s the point of that?

  155. I got scammed as well and he went by the name of Brian Foster, I’m in the process of getting my account info changed ASAP!

  156. Currently screwed over big time with negative 5k from this individual. I should’ve stopped myself in the beginning but I had no idea now all of my work paychecks will go towards taking away this balance that I owe.

  157. So, I got taken for quite a lot of money. $1,000. Now that I think about it all I should have seriously known better but I had trusted it would all get paid back. His payment to my card bounced after I spent more money (for a few days the payment looked like it cleared) now I have $1,000 in debt with no clue how I’m going to pay it back. Never going to try this kind of relationship again.

  158. So I’m kind of in the same boat. He asked for my bank account info to deposit a check and I just opened that account and it’s the new chase liquid and I figured there’s nothing in it so I gave it to him and gave him the comfirmation from chase text message for him to log in. Well he deposited 1,000 but there was a hold on the check and they found out it was fake but since it was from my mobile account and I gave him the comfirmation I don’t know how much trouble I’m in. He is in a different state so that should’ve been a red flag but I’m currently scared because I’m a college student and don’t know how much trouble I can be in for giving him that information and him doing a mobile check deposit that was fake.

  159. So I just got scammed by a “sugar daddy” and frankly need to vent:

    Wasn’t looking for one, just happened to be on an unrelated dating app when some old guy randomly messaged me, asking if I wanted to be a sugar baby. I was hesitant but pretty desperate for money at the time so indulged him and chatted for a bit about it. It feels dumb now but he just seemed more legit the more we spoke.

    He said he was a geologist working in an offshore oil rig and made a fortune in bitcoin a few years ago. He would provide a daily allowance in exchange for pictures, sexting, and “small errands.” Asking about the errands, he told me that I’d need to help him with depositing money into his bitcoin account, since he was offshore and couldn’t himself. He would supply the funds in cheque form through his business manager, and I just had to withdraw about 80% of it for his bitcoin wallet while keeping the remainder as my “allowance”. The cheques were to be deposited using my banks mobile deposit system, where you only need to take a picture of the cheque to cash it. He would send pictures of cheques, so I would be taking a picture of a picture.

    Problem was, by day 2, (that being today btw) after some difficulty depositing the second cheque, it finally went through, but when I arrived at my bank later on to withdraw the money, I was informed that my account was frozen due to fraud; the cheques were fake. I now owed the bank the $4000 I had fraudulently deposited, 1700 of which had disappeared irretrievably into cryptocurrency form. Now I have to pay back what wasn’t still in my account, which I simply can’t afford, because I’m still desperate for money.

    Anyways, I know this was a long one, but I feel so blindsided, and couldn’t find anything about this particular scam online as I reflect on what just happened, so I thought I could share to help keep everyone informed on these newer methods…

  160. Okay, so I might be in the middle of being scammed…I was stupid and gave him bank access to an old account that isn’t my main (because heck no) and he sent me 4 checks that equals up to 6,000. Obviously the checks are going through slowly, and I only have access to $200. Now he wants me to get a Walmart gift card for him to get bitcoin and wants me to hook up my card to applepay?? Should I just take the money as cash and cut off contact and close the account once it all goes through? I’m kinda scared. I’m not spending the money until the checks clear Incase it’s all fake…

  161. Yes, I actually have one trying to convince me to do all this stuff and I told him that he can easily deposit money to me without having my personal information. Anyway just be careful ladies! His number is 1-619-320-8366, said his name is Randy. I went back to the dating web site to see if i could get more information from our messages but he had already deleted his profile.

  162. I was talking to a said sugar daddy for about three days and he immediately payed my credit card. He then began to ask me to buy gift cards for him to trade online for bitcoin. I stopped replying because the whole things is sketchy. I got a text saying that I have a fraud claim through the fbi and to contact them. I thought about filing a report myself, should I?

  163. First of all, I am a 59 year old gay male. I get requests on this site all the time to be a “sugar baby” to men who are significantly younger than me. That is a red flag in and of itself. They usually want me to contact them by text m

  164. Just had this experience today. Sugar Daddy wanted me to be his sugar baby on Grindr. Me being hopeless for money accepted the offer. This is what he said

    “As a good sugar daddy my main responsibility is to make sure that you’re financially stable when it comes to love,money and sex, I should be willing to pay your allowances when it should be paid.. Pay off your credit card when its maxed out, I don’t have any right to be with two sugar babies just me and you 👌”

    I said wow this was easy and accepted, and after that he said

    “And all daddy will be needing in return till we meet up is just your honesty and loyalty and daddy might need you for some errands on his business… But I promise not to send you errand when you’re busy,so if you’re still interested just say YES”

    He also mentioned that he was a construction supervisor and has an online investment. And then he proceeded and asked for my phone number and then we texted via phone number. Later he was kid I had any debit cards or credit cards and asked if he could see the outstanding balances. In fact, he said that he would be paying off my debits first.

    Then I asked how this was going to work. He said that I would purchase gift card for him and send him the codes.

    Later, I teased him and called him a scammer…. be careful everyone .

  165. I got scammed into buying a iTunes gift card. My scammer kept on asking me to buy him a $100 gift card because he needed it for work and was too busy to get it but that he would “pay me back”, and I as a naive 18 year old in desperate need of money headed to the store to buy it for him, but I wasn’t comfortable in buying the $100 one so instead I got him a $15 iTunes gift card. I told him I bought it and he asked me to take a picture of the code I sent it him, he still asked me to get him the $100 one but that’s when I started getting suspicious and I started researching and found out it was a common thing among scammers to ask for gift cards, he then started asking me for my banking information because supposedly he needed to make a transfer he sent me picture of “his” amount of money in his account, at this point there were too many red flags, I quickly contacted apple to report a iTunes gift card scam, I screenshot any information there was of the scammer and also of the conversation I also reported him to the website he contacted me through, I cursed him out and blocked him.

  166. I’m going through this shit right now, I’m getting scammed. I’m already locked out of my account, and bought him a iTunes card, sent him the bar code and everything. I’m locked out of my bank account and I can’t get back in. I went to my bank and they told me that the money doesn’t look like “clean money”.

    I have 1,300 in my account but none of it is mine. I don’t know how I will get my account back without telling them that I’m being scammed because it’s honestly embarrassing. He still talks to me but I don’t know if I should confront him or just try to fix it with the bank and try to fix it and keep the money, than change my password and information. I feel like if I keep “friendly” with him he can fix my account then I can block him. Someone please give good advice.

    • Confront him! Tell him exactly what’s going on and if he’s a real sugar daddy he’ll be able to fix whatever the problem is. If he’s not he’ll head for the hills. Either way you need to tell your bank, their job is to protect your money not judge you for living your life.

  167. My name is Samantha* and I’m a new sugar baby. I downloaded the SD app on my phone, and met several older guys. Paul, Richard, and Mike. They each wanted me to Kik (anonymous messenger app) them. So I did. When we started talking Paul asked for a $20 Steam Wallet gift card. Mike is asking for a $50 Steam Wallet card, and Richard already got $200 in Google play cards. They all say they need these cards to “activate” my pending transaction. They say that they can’t send the money till they have the cards. Last night 9-24-19 I bought $200 in Google cards and got money deposited to my fiancees account which was taken away by his bank this morning around 10am EST. When he called the bank they said the checks were bad. It was almost $2000. Someone help please I don’t wanna be in trouble.

    *Some names have been changed to protect anonymity.

  168. This guy had me go buy one of the visa cards and put $25 on it, his phone was disconnected the next day. This other guy just tried to have me go to the store to do the same. When I asked if he could pay for an uber so ii could get to the store he insisted he would put $1000 on the card even though I only requested a $600 allowance…then when I didn’t respond he sent me a video of some girl he said he “just paid”.what a joke

  169. My most recent possible scam is a guy who says his name is Jonathan Henderson. Says hes from Los Angeles and is an architect. He slid into my dm’s. He claims he’s going to give me an allowance of 300/week, and in return we’ll send pictures back and forth and video chat. I followed him back on instagram, and while the pictures seem legit (I verified by reading comments), there is just no way this is real. Has anyone been dmed with the promise of a similar situation? There is no way I’m giving him my bank account information. Should I give him my cash app to see if this is real?

  170. i had one. gave him all my bank info, i had no money in the account as i didnt use it, he deposited a cheque for $2,000 but my bank account got closed down because the cheque was fraudulent im so glad i didnt have a overdraft and my credit is so bad because i would of been screwed, he still thinks i stole his fake money. deleted all email address he had access to and keep the account closed.

  171. This exact scan has literally just happened to me.
    We had been talking for a day, I thought we’ve knew each other pretty well as we ask lots of questions and had a laugh, which I liked. He then asked me for a gift card to verify, I did it – stupidly. Then he told me I need another as PayPal had only cleared to 50%, so I got another at the same price. He then told me it was at 95% so I have to buy another $50. This is when the red flags really started to appear, I called him out but that’s money I’ll never see again, I just can’t believe I was so stupid and naive

  172. I just got scammed yesterday by my first “sugar daddy” apparently he was working in dubai for some oil company and he was there for three weeks and the cash app wouldnt allow him to transfer money because its not international. so he made up this thing about needing an ebay card to purchase a vpn location access to be able to send me the money.. honestly i knew it was too good to be true but i took a leap of faith because i thought i would get it all back plus more. I just lost $200, but it was money that i didnt even have to be just throwing it away like that.

  173. This guy hit me up on an app asking to be my sugar daddy “Jake Scott” and that he would pay me $400 a week just to talk to him when he needed. He said he was in estate management and he lives in MI he had a wife but she dies and a 12 years old child then a couple days later he said that he was doing payroll and he was going to put me on it. Of course since I needed the money I said ok he ask for my bank account information I told him no then he explained why he needed it i begged and pleated for a different way but eventually gave in but gave him a different account and within an hour there was over $400 in my account i told him thank you then he said he needed a favor i said ok and he asked me to buy him $400 worth of Stream Gift cards. i told him no thats a scam he said he needed it for his bitcoin business i said ok and told him i went to walmart to get them but raised to many redflags and that they were taking me down to the police station then i didnt talk to him for a couple hours thinking that would scare him off but it didnt he told me to go online and buy them so i looked it up and i could only buy 2 of them and didnt respond again for a while then threaten to call the FBI on me so after that i called the bank he sent the money to and told them to return it so thats what im waiting on right now but now he has someone texting and calling me saying the are the FBI i just stop responding

    • Literally this exact thing is happening to me right now. Like the exact thing. What did you do? Did you report it? Can you give me any advice?

  174. Now they’re asking for you to send them money via PayPal or CashApp as a test to prove you are real. They say their accountant or account manager needs to add you on their payroll. Be aware.

  175. I have no idea if I’ve been scammed. My sugar daddy gave me HIS account info and let me have free reign of his assets to pay any bill, but I asked him to pay my credit card off and he said yes, he then asked me to buy a Apple Card for $500 to send to him so he can give it to his friend. I think I was scammed but I genuinely have no idea cause I never gave him my bank info he only gave me his

  176. Idk what to think this guy says if i buy a $100 venmo gift card to link his bank account to my venmo account. so i have control of his bank account. Do you think this is a scam?

    • One easy way to ascertain if a sugar daddy is for real is if he ever asks you to make a payment for anything. That may sound harsh but it’s true – no actual sugar daddy asks this because he understands that in this arrangement, he’s supposed to cover your expenses, not the other way around. Just don’t do it.

  177. So my sd just paid my cell phone bill. And now he’s saying he wants to use my account to buy phones for his coworkers and that he’ll pay for it with his credit card. I keep telling him no. He’s not taking no for an answer. I need help. I did change all of my information on my cell phone bill.

    • That’s a hard no. If he won’t take no for an answer, it’s time to cut him loose and move on. Better to be on the hunt for a new sugar daddy than to be be taken advantage of by a sugar daddy who doesn’t understand boundaries.

  178. I think I’m about to go through the same thing. The sugar daddy said that he needed me to buy a gift card to set up a payment plan. At first it didn’t seem weird cause I’m new to this but he said the first one didn’t work and that the second one stopped at 75%, whatever that means, so he wanted me to buy a different one. And then another said that he needed my username and password of my bank account to add me to his payroll but I don’t think you need that information for that. What should I do?

  179. had a guy on grindr day he’d pay me 1000 2x a week! already could tell he was sketch but i knew if i played my cards right i could get maybe get away with a reward (broke college student here)z he wanted my bank info but i told him i can’t give him that so he sent me an emailed check for $800. then he wanted me to go buy him an ebay gift card at cvs. IM NOT STUPID. he kept messaging me from multiple accounts saying he talked to the fbi and has my info, all i gave was my name and email there is no way he can get any of that?????? even got a message from “fbi” in poor english saying i would die in jail!!!! LMAO got away with $800

  180. Yeah I was scammed actually twice from ‘sugar daddies’ one particular ‘sugar mommy’ they both asked me for a gift card saying they needed it to ‘ validate their crypto currency’ or to ‘upgrade your account to be able to get money from my business account’ luckily but not too much, I was only scammed out of just the $50 gift card. The sugar mommy asked for a $25 google play card but I was already apprehensive because of the situation with the $50 gift card. Ladies and guys just listen to your gut and if it doesn’t make sense , then it doesn’t make sense. They even sent screen shot of either other sugar babies actually getting their money after listening or showing me progress of the transaction going on or through. Just make sure you do your research and be smart

  181. This guy wants me to by a one vanilla card cause people has has scammed him and he wont use paypal or anything else cause she says it wont work. this is my first time doing this but i know a scam when i see it. he thought he would get away with it and the card is a gift card for 500 dollars like come on now so i told him if he cant use paypal im pass on this im good

  182. Yeah i get the emails and they stop messaging me when i tell them real sugar daddys dont request anything but time or sex.. i need a legit sugar daddy asap

  183. Luckily since I’ve had friends scammed like this, I know what to look for. I’m just so frustrated because out of all the daddies/mommies I’ve spoken to, they all ask the exact same line of questions and then get mad at me when I tell them “You know, you don’t need that informationto send me money.” Mostly because they know they’ve been caught. If they truly want to deposit money directly into your bank account, Zelle is the way to go. NEVER give out your logins, sugar babies and remember to always stay safe.

  184. I’ve come in contact with atleast 10 sugar daddy’s on Instagram wanting accesses to my bank account info and security questions pin and login I blocked them but alot say that they are banned from sending money through cash share apps. Also they like to send photos of other conversation where they are scamming people to insure that they are legit. I’ve had a few try to get me to buy Google play card and give them the code in order to receive the money for 100 dollars . I said no to alot but I bought one 20 dollar card and this was a sugar momma scammer she said she would send me 1000 but my PayPal account detected the fraud I was happy that I didnt invest alot of my money she started blaming me for why the money wasn’t going through she kept trying to get me to buy 100 dollars worth of those cards I simply just blocked her . Very much over the sugar baby venture

  185. i get approached all the time on instagram and twitter by “generous construction managers” with “offshore accounts” and they “can’t use venmo or paypal because it’s third party” and he was offering $500 twice a week, there’s no way i was giving him my account info and i’ve told him (and the previous ones) that i’m not comfortable buying a prepaid card. and they’re so persistent that they want to give me my allowance. i’m beyond annoyed at how easy they think they can scam me, i’m already financially unstable.

  186. Please help if you can respond to this pleeeeease help. I found an SD on seeking arrangements and he asked for my bank info

    Of course I didn’t send it to him but instead he gave me his routing and account number to pay off my Cc debt of 300

    He asked for the confirmation number to show that I paid it off and I send it to him .now he’s asking me to get an iTunes but it sounds sketch.

    Is there anyway he can screw me over with just the confirmation number? What should I do. Please help please help please help

  187. I have a sugar mommy wanting me to buy an eBay gift card to where they can put the money and link it to my paypal. I havent done it yet cause i want a second opinion. It sounds too good to be true.

  188. So, This has actually happened to me, specifically with the banking info part, and asking me to buy something for them, and now I owe about 800 dollars, so that sucks. He said that he was making a project for a private firm with a military contract, and I believed him. Seems extremely obvious now, but now I’m locked out of my account, owing all that money, and almost all my financial aid refund is going towards fixing it. If I can offer advice, I’d say that you don’t give away bank information ever, only accept cash or checks, and skype or facetime before even considering them. I can only hope that someone reads this and doesn’t fall for the scam.

  189. I’m going through the same thing, but his accountant said that he couldn’t send me money to my venmo account because it’s against third party policy. The guy “Steve” is really named Bruce Williams, said that he is a contractor for Weiss Construction. He said he is going to buy me a car but he doesn’t have access fo my bank. His accountant emailed me front & back of a check under the name of Michele R OBrien. Never heard that name before but the check amount was around $1950.66. He asked for nudes but I know photoshop and google pictures. His accountant Jose had asked me the limit and if I any debt on my credit card, which I do not have. What do I do?

  190. I friended man because he was in the army, he was so sensitive and honest I thought, and bingo he ask me to buy a Amazon gift card take a picture of bar code and send it to him, I kelp hounding me day and night, I blocked him the red flags were flying way too high.

  191. Seriously ladies. It’s a fucked up time to be looking for a sugar daddy. You need to stop networking online and find these men in person. They are out there and I have made enough money to buy 2 houses. Oddly enough I was showing a friend an old website I used to use and once it was active again I had 2 messages within seconds, both in Dallas, both with the same story,same way to pay etc etc. I talked to the one man for like an hour and this guy was telling me he loved me and wanted to give me 2 grand right away to show his loyalty. As we are chatting I’m looking him up every single way, basically didn’t exist. He wanted to me to buy a reloadable gift card and that I needed to put 100 on it because the reciever and sender both had to have that in their account, also said some bullshit about it being his company payroll. Idfk. I had zero intention on this even happening so I was like if it’s so true then send it paypal or to the 6 other apps I have for money. Its fucking 2020 and you would have sworn this guy was stuck in like 2015. Anyways long story short is yes you are being scammed even when they love you… after 1 hour.

  192. First off thank you for writing this article on fake sugar daddies… it was very helpful…
    So I have been getting a lot of Instagram messages from random men offering to be my sugar daddy…
    And they are famous for being very new accounts made.. and require no pictures, no call or texts their bio will say…. but when you message them they soon require your bank information as an payment…
    And I’m not a stupid person. I’d never give out my personal bank information to NO ONE!.. lol so I moved on knowing that’s not how it works. You meet up in person with cash!… or no deal.

  193. I was scammed while I was young because apparently I didn’t know better. I met a nice guy online and he said he would give me money in exchange for gift cards. Looking back, I should have realized how odd that was. He said he was some kind of contractor. I looked it up and learned that in his line of work, he made about $40 an hour. I gave him my bank details (I didn’t know about PayPal, cashapp, etc.) and he said he would deposit a check for me. A week passed and he kept telling me to buy him Steam gift cards for “office supplies”. I couldn’t tell him no because he kept logging in to my account and saw how much money I had. I lost about $80 before I even saw any money. He then sent me a $9000 check that never deposited because it was fake, and then he told me he needed the money back because his sister needed surgery. I told him I couldn’t get it because the check was fake. It didn’t even have his name on it. If he really needed the money he could have deposited his own check and only sent me a little bit. I should have learned since then, but unfortunately, it took me two times to realize that people aren’t genuine. And that’s the story of how I have $1500 in credit card debt

  194. I’ve never been scammed (or been a sugar baby for that matter), but today a random ass guy, with no profile pic or any info whatsoever on his profile asked me if I wanted to be his sugar baby, offering 1k weekly, and I was like wtf, so I decided to investigate first XD now I know it’s a scammer.

  195. Do they need gift cards to process a transaction on a business account with paypal?? New to the game and dont want to be scammed

  196. I have one on the hook right now. He emailed me a check, yes you saw that right, emailed me a check. I put it in an account a rarely get into and don’t have my regular pay deposited into. It sat there for a week with a hold on 90% of the amount of $5000. The agreed allowance was $700 a week. He refused CashApp and Venmo saying he doesn’t do third party pay apps. Now he’s demanding I send $2400 back via CashApp. Oh, the MICN numbers were in the wrong order as well so I’m giving my bank time to figure out it’s a fake check.

  197. I had two different “sugar daddies” that tried the gift card scam. They claim that they need a Google play gift card to unlock their account because they were overseas on business and their cards were deactivated. I fell for the first one, but the second one i caught on as soon as he said that he needed the cards. Both guys had told me that they paid their last sugar babies the same way. They even sent pictures as proof… screenshots of the conversation. And unsurprisingly, they both used the same screenshots to convince, or attempt to convince, me to get the cards.

  198. I had a sugar daddy ask me to give him $20 as for security purposes and my being 18, doing and desperate for money I sent him $20 through cashapp and then he proceeded to block me immediately after. I know $20 isn’t a lot but when you are broke as it is $20 is a couple of days worth of food.

  199. I almost got scammed by a so called sugar momma, she emailed me a check for $2,500 and turns out the check was fake and she was pressuring me to spend $200 in gift cards, plus she wanted me to make different accounts to give me money and i caught on to it.

  200. Yeah, I was dumb and got scammed….. Then another guy tried the same shit right away. It seemed legit. He wanted me to buy a gift card. Well in retrospect he DEMANDED i bought one. It was dumb but at least I didn’t buy the £50 they both asked for. BE AWARE GIRLS.

  201. Reading all these other comments I’m glad I didnt get scammed worse! My heart goes out to all who had to pay back money because of asshole scammers. The sad thing is most us girls could actually use the help with tuition and car payments, we’re not neccesarily looking for 5k handbags and diamonds.

    I had a sugar daddy a few years ago and had an allowance of $2k/month so when someone on IG contacted me about some of my feet pictures offering $800/month because he came to the area on business sometimes I didn’t bat an eye, seems real.

    He then wanted me to get a $25 Google Play card so he could verify I was a real person I terested on this and not some fake insta model. After doing that and showing him code he said the card didn’t work go get another one. I called the courtesy number and it had been redeemed.

    My question is this: wtf are you possibly gaining with a $25 gift card? Even if you do it to a few girls a week it’s not that much $ so wtf?! And what girl is going to go back again and again to get a card when they’re mysteriously “not working.”

    So thanks a lot to all you asshole scammers, even ones just taking a couple hundred here and there. We need that money for tuition at the beginning of the month dammit!

  202. I recently was involved in a scam with gift cards. My “Daddy” was claiming his last baby got access to his accounts and scammed him out of a lot of money. He locked his accounts but has access through Google. If I purchase google play card, he can use the code to “unlock” his account and send me money to my cash app. He was very thorough with his details and even sent screen shots of a previous baby’s conversations and money being received, as well as a screen shot of my own money going in, but was then later rejected because of “processing issues” or a bad card, so he says…

    Luckily it was only $150. He has asked for my bank information but I declined. It is sad that these creepers think they are slick and we won’t catch on to their misdeeds. Stay safe out there babes!

  203. Email me for my number, genuine daddy’s only. I do not buy gift cards of any sort. Of we can come to some arrangement. I have cash app and paypal, hope to speak soon 💋

  204. I got scammed by a sugar daddy asking for me to buy him an ebay card, too bad I found this website after getting scammed.

  205. I’m suspicious of a man asking for my PayPal link before we ever meet, but are there real risks to him having the link? What could he do? Are there any common scams associated with asking for a PayPal link?

  206. Ladies , always use a reverse image search app. This guy told me he was an engineer in California. Had a fake profile on Instagram with some gay porn directors info ( found out from reverse image search) was a good looking guy saying he had trouble meeting women. Then when I said send me a video of yourself to prove it’s you. ( he didn’t ) gave me a google account number, I knew it was going to be a Voip number because he told me not to call , just to text. I looked up the area code was in Pennsylvania. By this time he admitted he was the porn director. I said “ why would a gay man want a straight woman to be his sugar baby”. Initially he told me he was a widowed father. LoL anyway his lies started unravelling. As soon as he contacted me about that , I knew it was bs. Don’t ever fall for anyone who doesn’t know you , and hasn’t spent time with you wanting to give you money. No one is “that generous. “ lol

  207. So I was trying to sell pics of my feet to save money for top sugrey (im a trans male) and the man kept trying to tell me buy him a gift card that he sent me 1000 on cash app and it wont go until I purchased the card well, luckily for me I have trust issues and searched and this site came up so thank you all for that and saving me from being scammed.

  208. Looking for a honest loyal and submissive sugar baby to spoil with lots of money and gifts
    Cash app only
    Text me on WhatsApp at
    (484) 602-5267

  209. I think I dealt with the same guy. He said his name was Danny? He said his wife passed away and he needed me to send money to his first he said son and then he changed it laterto nephew. I was suspicious as soon as he said he didn’t trust PayPal or cash up so I played with him for a little while I didn’t think I was actually going to do it. of course when I told him I knew it was a scam I never heard anything again

  210. Hi, is there anyone that can help me? I don’t know if im being scammed but let me explain everything. Im new to this SB stuff and started talking to this SD. First he asked for my bank information and my dumb ass send them. He dropped a check of $2,400 but it bounced. Then dropped others and my bank didn’t accept them. So I had 5 checks in my account. One said ” funds aren’t enough”, one said ” fraud effect” and the other 3 were canceled since my bank blocked my account. I had to pay $400 to them because i went and bought 4 gifts cards for the SD. I told him that everything bounced back and he was acting like he didn’t understand. Talking about ” I will sue your bank because my check are legit”. Then I went opening a other account in a other bank and told him that he will not get no information from me again and he started talking about cash mailing ( he’s in USA im in Canada) so he told me that I have to buy a $100 google play gift card to generate a code that will be sent to me and I will get the money the next day since the company he is working for as a lot of affiliates. Never heard of this technique over here so im asking for help! Is this cash mailling legit? Should I do it? Email me please someone if you see this! My email is : sarah01harris@hotmail.com

  211. I’m not sure if I’m being scammed, this sugar daddy told me they own a salon and I have to pay some money in order to get my money immediately, my gut feels off on this… I told them it feels weird and they said do I have the money in my account, I said no, and then they said $50 would be fine… Replies please!

  212. I definitely just went through the same thing
    Ima single mother of three and I got scammed out of 400 dollars
    I was desperate and now look at me
    Now I wish I had a legit sugar daddy that’ll allow me to use my cash app or pay pay without having to buy steam gifts,google pay etc
    Hell I’ll even meet in person

  213. I just started talking to a sugar daddy on Twitter he hasn’t asked for bank info but he’s asking for card info to send my first payment of $500 am I being scammed, I’ve had about 3 sugar daddies before and they’ve all lied I don’t know if I can trust another daddy

  214. Intagram is DROWNING in these scammers. I spoke to atleast 5 daddies that seemed so so genuine. Ofcourse I was going through a manic episode so I blew $50 on a google play card to prove my loyalty. I 100% deserve this because I fell for it but I hate how the scammers of this industry are ruining it for people who are legit. 🙁

  215. I was recently scammed and I didn’t realize the whole thing was a scam. I made a police report and everything but they did not find this person that did this to me. I purchased gift cards (not knowing it was a scam) and I have never been scammed before until now. After purchasing gift cards and sending the codes to these people, they were supposed to deposit a certain amount into my account. The amount was deposited into the account, I used it but then they said I needed to pay them the money back and it was withdrawn from the account and caused the account to go in the negative. Still to this day I never found out who it was and it crushed me mentally. I never want anyone going through this and it’s horrible that there are people out there doing this.

  216. So I am very new to this whole sugar baby thing and it’s been going well… or so I thought, a lot of them try a “test” to make sure I am who I am. They ask for my bank account and routing information or they ask for me to send them money and then they say that they will send it back. I am glad that I researched red flags and how to be safe about the whole situation before I started this otherwise I’d be in trouble. Be careful out there and have fun babies!

  217. As of last week I had been chatting with a woman I had met on plenty of fish I matched with her because I thought she was pretty lol, and then turns out she put her age as 22 put was 41 and she offered me to be her sugar baby, she had wanted to get to know me, told me about herself and explained my allowance she sent me some rather borderline nude photos of herself (which I did not ask for) and she seemed genuinely interested in me and what my hobbies were and what I was doing all the time, I honestly grew pretty attached to her and unknown to me at the time I did not know that I shouldn’t give bank information, and I only had 20 dollars in the bank so I was like what the hell, why not and she deposited a check and told me I should try and get a card to withdraw the money, she said I needed to send some to her work associate through cash app thanks to the virus idk if that was a clever idea to use what was going on in the world at the time or not and when I went in the bank drive thru last Saturday my account had been frozen and the check had bounced, she has not texted me since, but she had told me before she was trying to get a new phone or fix the one she had, so my question is real or fake? And not gonna lie I miss her company… If you have any questions for me I’ll explain what more I can

  218. Ohhh someone is trying to scam me just right now, asking to buy him a Google Play Card because he can’t make any transactions to me lol if I just gave him my PayPal. He says the need upgrade his desktop to do the transfer (???) it’s a so no sense history lol
    fortunately I’m suspicious by nature and them I found this blog 🙌
    He found me online in one app. I never asked to be a sugar baby 🤔

  219. Omg yes I’m new to all these but I kind of had a gut feeling this wasn’t normal they kept asking for steam card with 50 dollars and another one he said to proof myself I had to send him 20 dollars on his cash app lol i asked questions one said he was scammed before the other one that he was married and didn’t want his wife to find out I blocked them all and still looking they even sent picture of PayPal saying it was been processed I new this didn’t feel right

  220. Hey guys! I just started sugar baby-ing recently, I get lots of through social media but how can a seperate the real from the fake? Like one SD asked me to deposit 50 and he’d send me 800 and a reimbursement. Another told me to send him a $100 amazon gift card and he would send me 500 right after. Like do sugar daddy’s actually do this to verify they’re not going to get scammed? or am i going to get scammed?

    Thank you in advance for helping me out!

  221. I just got scammed out of $1000 by a guy on Instagram claiming he wanted to be my sugar daddy… I’ve never had a sugar daddy before so I’m not really familiar with how things work and I just believed everything he said. He convinced me I needed to buy a One Vanilla MasterCard for $500 so he could link it to an account that I would get my allowance through. After I did that he said it didn’t work and I would need to buy a second one to increase the capacity of the account… I told him I wanted my money back and told him he should just buy it himself but after a few days he convinced me to buy the second one (I’m gullible when I’m desperate). Then he said it wasn’t activated properly and I’d have to buy a third one and that he would add the $1500 to my allowance to make up for it. I went to the one vanilla website and put in the card info and found that all the money was spent at various stores.

    • Think i got scammed by the same guy
      Name was louiss collinss on Instagram
      Got me for only $50 tho
      Not as bad a u. Sorry about that.

  222. Yeah this sugar daddy tried to get me to buy an iTunes card. I was wondering if someone was a real sugar daddy, could they just send the money right over?

  223. A sugar momma just threated that i will be thrown in jail for not giving her a number verification. I’m nervous because I don’t feel that I have broken any laws but not sure Bc I don’t know them fully any suggestions.

  224. I got scammed so bad. A “sugar daddy” deposited a check for $2400 and I saw it pending in my account just to find out the next day it was a fraud. So my bank account is closed down permanently. I was so mad.

  225. I’m scared.
    I met SD on Kik. He’s asking for my PayPal but he wants me to send him 25$ to confirm I’m a loyal sugar baby. Is it safe am I being scammed ??

  226. I wasn’t scammed to bad by this guy off Instagram name louiss collinss (older white guy. White hair and beard, from Texas. He asked for banking info first so he could do a mobile deposit into my account. I insested that he e-transfer me money instead. That didnt work for him 🚩. He didnt know how to do that even tho he said he wanted to do a mobile deposit. So he asked for a gift card that he could put money on instead. Info: most or all gift card can not be reloaded from an outside party. Either way he insisted that his bank could do it cuz they own the gift card company.
    NOPE FALSE. once he got the card from me via pic (front and back) he transferred the fund to his paypal even tho the card said it had no cash value and money could not be transferred. Guess paypal was the exception. It was only $50 so not to big of a deal for me but probably be different for someone else. Do t fall for this scam……….
    And to all the daddys trying to so call pic up ppl on here after they been scammed. Your fucking disgusting. U ppl better not not send any of them ur bank info or gift card. If they say they are who they say they are a E-TRANSFER IS THE ONLY WAY U SHOULD BE COLLECTING MONEY. That or CASH.

  227. Hi I’ve just been chatting with a ‘sugar daddy’ he says he’s a civil engineer and collects bit coins or something. He says my allowance would be 2500£ weekly. But first I’ve to buy a 50£ gift card before he can send me money! Wow!!! If I’d never seen this page I would’ve been scammed!!

  228. Looking for a loyal honest and submissive sugar baby
    ••••••text me if interested ••• (484) 602-5267

  229. It’s a bunch of fake “sugar daddies” on instagram & I’m not dumb because I’ve been catfished a lot. SO it was this one guy that said he would connect his bank info to my cash app. This dude took my whole cash app, deleted all my friends off it & took my 62 cent what kind of shit is that 😂than got I told him about his self . He texted me acting like cashapp co worker & said “you just received 2,000” pay $100 to get into your bank account. I don’t understand because you don’t gave to pay anything to get money but into your cashapp. Please watch out for these creepy people, their scammers & I was greedy & need of money it made me blind.

  230. Back in February I meet this guy he asked if I wanted to be his sb so I agreed and we continued to talk. As days continued our conversation grew longer. So I just opened an account and he ask if I needed help. So I said yeah. That’s when you deposit a check for $1200 into my account and then not even 24 hours the bbva bank caught the check as fraudulent and froze the account because the check was fake and when they froze it I was worried so I contacted the guy I was talking to blocked me. And now I’m talking to 2 guys one who I’ve knower for about 3 months and he’s asking for eBay cards and willing to give me $50,000.00 cash and the other guys $100 eBay cards for $50,000.00 in cash when we meet

  231. I just got two guys offering $300 and $400 a week.
    I thought that was weird. So I told them that my friendship was free. They disappeared 🤪🤪🤪🤪

  232. A “sugar daddy” followed me on twitter and I texted him, he asked for an Xbox gift card and dumb me never having done this, fell for it and now I’m trying to get it back but can’t. Not sure what to even do.

  233. New one for you… Tbh I should’ve known better but hey ho. Met a guy on SA reached out to me and wanted to discuss a possible arrangement (He was from Canada, Me the Uk but he didn’t seem bothered. Tbh this is better for me) Communicating via a fake email I made as he requested (Email communication not the fake part haha..) Because he was near Ukraine on business. A lengthy introduction about his hobbies and previous experience. He was called Bradley was 51 and in the Construction Business. He then goes on to tell me that he was scammed by an SB, she took his money and he then went on to tell one of his FBI friends and they apparently got the money back from here “Allegedly”… Scare tactic. Anyway he offered a gift as we are unable to meet due to Covid & distance issues. I didn’t want to scare him and assured him he didn’t have to send any money if he wasn’t comfortable but he was insistent. He said he would transfer via either Money gram or Western Union as he lost his bank card and he doesn’t trust Paypal. Again I’m like little weird but I’ll go with it.. The day comes around and he comes with a big explanation that the Money gram / Western Union stores around him were all closed and he was unable to transfer online. He provided weird screenshots, The message said max deposit was £2,999.00 and he entered £3,000 I’m like hell no. He then goes on to say that he’s using something called Access UPT “it’s Russian or Turkish”. I think that’s what they use around here, they are new and not very popular” His words. Telling me to log in “Ignore the Russian Language” I can then arrange for the transfer to be made to one of my western union / Money gram collection points. This transfer was for £5,000.00 Wishful thinking but ladies if it’s too good to be true it probably is!!! I hadn’t even spoken on the phone with this guy and he had seen 2 photos max. Also if he’s really impersonal and refuses to call you by name/username he’s most likely copying and pasting and waiting for the responses to come flooding in. Please be careful, as SB/SD is becoming more popular the scammers are lurking…

  234. Hello,I’m new to this.I’m 40 and looking for a sugar baby, Any serious baby ready to talk to an attractive older man. I’m willing to give you a weekly allowance for your time please reply back

  235. Soo I got scammed pretty bad, this “sugar daddy” came up woth the most bizarre stories to get me to buy iTunes gift cards and I feel so dumb about it now that I’m looking back at it. I have too much hope sometimes and I thought maybe he will pay me back, you never know. He never did. At a point I blocked him because I didn’t want anything to do with him at that point. I think he made me spend more than $400 with the iTunes cards. He would tell me that he had a personal associate from fedex that would deliver the package for me. And apparently that the associate and the person that was coming with them, which I’m assuming was another assistant, got stopped at customs and needed bail and that’s when he’d ask me for the gift cards. At the time I even searched up what all this means and there was nothing and now there is which is annoying but I guess better late than never🙃 he still messages me from time to time, I assume it’s him from different numbers.

  236. I almost fell for one, but I caught on pretty quick to the scam. He wanted me to get a google play card and to give him the pin and I was like hell nah! I kept asking him different questions and they didn’t match up, so I blocked him on everything. I’m pretty good at knowing when someone’s lying to me.

  237. I was being offered $300 a week and I agrued to that, but he also said to do errands like sending money to people and get gift cards and such. But he would send up to $6,000 and I’m worried that its more than just errands.

  238. I’m in a situation where i feel like my sugar daddy is real but at the same time i don’t. I’ve watched several YouTube videos that warm not to send gift cards or money to their sugar daddies. Mine wanted money to be sure i wasn’t just going to run off with the money and never speak to him again. I refused to send gift cards but i sent him $10 on cashapp because that’s not much to steal from me. He told me that his account manager would send me my allowance once i did that. About 45 min later he messaged me back and said that it was working it wouldn’t let him send it. That he would refund the $10 back to me so was he lying cause now I’m not getting money back in return! Is this a real sugar daddy or is he fake i need answers please?!

  239. So I had a man approach me on Instagram saying he doesn’t want anything just wants to spoil me but then here it comes I need to download cash app then put 25.00 on it for his lower been and I will get 2,000 a week that seems like a scam right?

  240. Hey, so I recently had a sugar mom. She asked me to be loyal to her and give her 50 bucks and so I gave her 50 bucks via steam and then she makes an excuse saying, “oh for the kids I need another 50 and I said you asked for 50 so are you going to except it or no. She said no so I give it to her any ways ( the money I spent I could’ve gotten money for a game). And then she tried giving me the money and through venom and it said pending and then it said clearance fee and she wanted me to pay 50.kinda suspicious any ways I said I did what you wanted and I want my money back and she blocked me

  241. Well I was messaged on Grindr, if I’m interested of having a sugar daddy I can talk to him on kik app. I tried and he sent me pictures and he started to tell me about sending me a 2500 Euro. So since it’s my first time I said “okay” but when he sent me a screenshot of his transaction he ask me to buy a gift card worth of 50$ so I did 😅. Next he is asking another gift card worth of 150$ and I still gave him. I was so dumb 😂 all I was thinking maybe he’s going to be good to me and maybe I can love him too. Lastly he was asking me to pay 25$ for the last step of sending the money but I stopped there and told him I have no money now I’m sorry 😔, then he never messaged me again so I lost a 200$

  242. Found a seemingly nice, lonely old man on insta just now. He asked for my cashapp, told him I don’t have one (I live in Aus), I only have a paypal. He asked for a $50 voucher to google play or amazon to “cover the transaction costs” of sending money from USA to AUS. I immediately googled and ended up here, and explained to him I didn’t want to get scammed. He tried very convincingly to tell me that asking for a gift card was normal, as “lots of babies just run away with the money”, but when I told him that I wasn’t sending any money in any form, he politely explained that he’d “have to find some other baby, then”. Insta handle is markheart_, stay vigilant ladies 🙂

  243. This literally just saved my life. I thought this guy was Forreal and he wanted me to purchase an online gift card for cash app. I almost did it until I read this article!

  244. Yeah I got scammed by a “sugar daddy” once he told me to buy an eBay card so he can cover the charges and that I would get my allowance instantly, but then he started saying his WiFi was slow and that he was having trouble. I mean the card was $50 🤷🏼‍♀️ It’s not a lot but it’s still money

  245. One sugar dad tried to make me send him $600.00 to get my allowance said that he could not send it unless I sent that $600.00 to him first I just blocked him and just kept going I know it was to good to be true

  246. I have a potential sugar daddy but he’s asking me to cashapp him 50$ to show my commitment to him then he will send me a large lump sum. I think I pretty dumb to be considering this. Do I really have to send 50$ to show my commitment??

  247. So , I was looking for a sugar daddy and this woman who is an admin in a group on Kik and she suggest me this one guy who gives money and apparently there’s girls who recommended him.. he asked me to send him $30 on cashapp.. and I did.. what should I do?

  248. I’ve currently got this lady claiming to be a suGar momma but keeps asking for login info, my social and my license. Keeps saying it’s for her manager. I’ve obviously been giving false info cause I feel like it’s a scam, once I told them I didn’t have money to give them for them to start my allowance that’s when the bank info and other personal info came into effect. Did I do the right thing. I’ve also called them out and telling them I’m thinking it’s a scam and they keep tryin to say it’s not.

  249. The first guy I spoke to immediately wanted me to delete my account. They dont want you on the site at all. Which tells me they are controlling. They also eant to know EVERYTHING about you all at once. After talking 20 minutes. Uhm, no. Another asked formula bank account. He also made a paste and post that was something that a women would say to a man. He also was really pressing on how he could make me so happy and such. At first it started out good, but then little flags started to pop up. I agree don’t agree to anything until you meet.

  250. The first guy I spoke to immediately wanted me to delete my account. After talking 20 minutes. They dont want you on the site at all. Which tells me they are controlling. The First guy wanted my information to my Id.me account he said that he has to put me on payroll, so I can get my allowance. Why? What am I doing on Payroll? Sounded like some fraud crap.They also want to know EVERYTHING about you all at once. Uhm, no. Another asked for my credit card information because he was going to pay my bill. He also made a paste and post that was something that a women would say to a man. He also was really pressing on how he could make me so happy and such.Also while talking to the second guy he said that he has 3 homes in FL, but then he mentioned being happy in his apartment with me. Wait what?! He could have even said Condo, but he said apartment. At first it started out good, but then little flags started to pop up. I agree don’t agree to anything until you meet. Its hard to check their pictures if you are using the site on your phone though. I couldn’t google search on my phone. To tell the truth I don’t think some websites verify.

  251. I just got hit for the first time by one and never encountered this before. I laughed at him at first but kept chatting because he was an older, very lonely man, so he said. We talked for a few days and it was nice but I finally asked him what he meant by being his sugar baby and to explain. Long story short.. he fed me the bs that he has an account manager who handles his money and he needs my login info for my PayPal! Blah blah blah.. I’m not that stupid. Any person can send money easily to someone else. His story was so stupid. Never would anyone need to open any kind of accounts for someone or give login. Be careful ladies, use your brain.

  252. Do you have any really certain possible reliable sugar daddies,for me to contact??🤞🇧🇻 I've been scammed last month only,in some bitcoin thingy,i should have checked the company better. So i really hope you can get a reliable sugar daddy i can work with! Regards Kjersti R. Frøseth Hope you can help me with this!?🤞🤞

  253. I didn’t know anything about the scamming stuff and I got scammed from a so-called sugar daddy for $75 and that was about a month or so ago maybe even two and a half months ago so I finally just a few days ago decided to try and put myself out there again because I really do want to be a sugar baby and feel cared about by someone and I’ve found three more fake sugar daddies and asking for my login information asking for nudes asking all kinds of stuff and it’s just utterly ridiculous

  254. I was just scammed… he wanted me to get a $100 gift card on amazon…
    I managed to lower it down to $50, and stupidly I sent it
    Then he said that I need to send the other $50
    I said no…

    How can I be that stupid

  255. I got scammed the first time I tried to do the whole sugar baby thing. He was telling me that he needed a gift card to be able to complete the process of sending me the money, and so I would get the gift card and provide him with the information he asked for and he would say that it’s not working or it’s taking too long and we have to wait for it to go through or what not. He would also ask for more gift cards, though I had only gone through two gift cards, not knowing any better. He stopped communicating and I never heard from him again.

  256. I am in need of an actual sugar daddy who doesn’t think they are smart enough to pull one over on me. I know all of the scams because they have all been thrown at me and luckily I am smart enough not to fall for them. Please send me a KIK at Skysky0922 add me on snap at skysnav or find me on Instagram skysky0922

  257. My sugar daddy deposited money into my account and is asking to buy him an iPhone 12 like why can’t he do it himself?? And send him the money he supposedly sent me. Like I’m confused

  258. I just got scammed by Google play cards. Guy sent me videos of someone saying he was legit. Screen shots of previous conversations with previous sugar babies. Even videoed a text chat with his accountant. Just a $50 gift card. That didn’t work just need another. It won’t let me send you your money can you do one more? After I said no. Numerous times with him being cross with me. He would literally have taken my last $10 if I had let him. He said my payment will be cancelled unless I send it.

    So he just called me … doesnt even sound like an older man. Has a anccent and still trying to get me to send more money can even belive it

    • Hi! I just found a sugar daddy who reached out to me, this has never happened to me and of course I was like this is a scam. He proved to me that he wasn’t with 2 videos of girls and stuff saying he is legit. He told me his story and his instagram profile seems legit too, so I am kinda trusting him. He is gonna pay me on paypal 5 grand, but he says he’s in germany right now because of work, and since paypal charges international transaction fees, I need to pay $200 dollars. What’s fishy is that in the comments where you are about to send someone money on paypal, that’s where it says (i feel like he just typed this) payment type: ebay/gift card or steam wallet card and so I researched this stuff and obviously scammers want to be paid through gift cards. He says it’s easier through gift cards since he’s in germany right now. He looks trust worthy and legit given his profile and video proofs, but the gift card part really throws me off. I said i don’t have $200 to pay the fee, so I said i only have $50 and asked other people to help fill in the rest. I will ask for proof first, but i still don’t feel too confident in this. Please help me asap.

  259. I have actually a SM who wrote me on Instagram she is a lesbian and has a daughter, a legit business and actually a daughter as well she didn’t ask for my account info or bank info and she actually is making more communication then any other SD or SM would they usually ask for your information or login which is a total setup never fall for it. She asked me to purchase a Visa Prepaid for 20 bucks. I asked for her socials and even tracked her pics down she real and have a snapchat I just don’t know ya’ll.

  260. I have over 50 men per day try to scam me. Like one us trying to now. He just friended me like 10 min ago and is begging me to hurry up and open an account with Monifi and then he will srnd me $9,000. Uh no. Not going to happen.

  261. I’m currently dragging along two people that are claiming their sugar daddies but I’ve known from the beginning or scammers I’m just having fun with them playing stupid and making them think I just don’t have a clue of how to do these things but if they’re going to bug me and try and scam me I’m going to drag them along as long as I can

  262. I was recently being scammed by someone on Instagram. He got my cashapp then convinced me he needed to login in order to get everything done. After that he said the payment didn’t go through. I blocked him and kept going with my life while deleting my cashapp and changing cards. He then reached out to me on a new number and also had his “manager” contact me and said they would go to the CIA because apparently I was the reason his account was locked. Me being scared I gave him my account login and he found my address. Before he could deposit a check or anything I went to my bank and changed my accounts and closed the old ones. He tried to make a cashapp and send 100 to someone maybe him on there but my bank caught that and I denied the request. I closed my accounts and opened completely new ones. He has my address though and that terrifies me. The one thing I’m confused about is why his business account has his life savings and how he would be able to even deposited money into my account when his account is supposedly locked. I have blocked his other number and his “managers” number now. I am scared though so if anyone has advice please help.

  263. i literally got scammed by someone on a dating app. he seemed like a genuine person at first had pics and everything. and when he showed me his bank account through snapchat i was starting to think it was real and he stated asking me to buy google play cards for him with my credit cards. he gave me bank info to pay off my credit cards, but they didn’t really pay off he made me believe that he was real and left me with 3 maxed out credit cards.

  264. Also construction worker and took 100 dollar from me

    I am so sad about it and so angry at myself for falling into this trap/scam

  265. I feel that most of the “daddies” on SugardaddyForMe.com are absolute scams. I’ve spoken to 3 people so far. All are offering 3000 per week. For just pics, videos etc but first you have to “pass” their test. You have to send money to their PayPal accounts manager and then be spoiled immediately. When you question why a sugardaddy would need this? Well coincidently they all got scammed 2 days before and now they are being cautious. I call BS!!!!!!

  266. Twitter Sugar Daddies at it again! Had someone ask if I was interested in being a “texting buddy” without anything sexual and they offered $600 three times a week. When it came to payment they wanted to send me a picture of a check for me to take a picture on my computer screen and submit to my direct deposit. When I asked them about using other methods they said they lost like $27k and their bank no longer authorizes using venmo, cashapp, etc.
    Sounds fishy.

  267. I’m currently getting scammed and I just caught on. So I’m not a demanding person but they started off by saying they needed my social and my id front and back to add me as “there next kin” I didn’t buy it so I told them off and if there not willing to pay me as first initiated then they would have to find another sugar baby. That caught the mans attention and he then promised to pay me the next day. He tried a new scam now about getting him some apple gift cards only thing is he put the money in my account already for them and told me to keep the rest. I’m scared because he’s telling me he doesn’t play about his money and that I would be in jail the rest of my life if I don’t get him those. Right now I’m trying to play it through but I know as a sugar baby this is not what you need to do whatsoever especially if they have “money”

  268. My sugar daddy pays off my credit card bills but always asks me to buy her apple gift cards. It makes no sense also asks for my bank info.

  269. May i ask he sent a transaction receipt but it’s pending because i have to buy Philippine steam wallet code to verify transactions and deliver immediately the moy has been sent to me? Is this a scam

  270. So basically this guy said he was lonely and needed a sugar baby. I started looking into it and he said he would send me $1500 and that he needed to gain my trust so he needed me to keep $500 and give him a gift card for $1000. I knew it was a scam so I blocked him immediately. Make sure you look at the check closely to make sure it’s legit. The one he sent me digitally was edited and he was using Wells Fargo bank which is known for being used by scammers. Please be very precautious when making transactions!

  271. I had a sugar daddy ask me for my social and id that’s for sure a scam also has one tell me he would send certain allowances but it won’t go through unless I send him the verification fee on pay pal… is there such thing as link verification fee on pay pal ?

  272. Hi. So i have a sugar mommy who said they need a $20-$30 fee for a buisness account on paypal. And want me to buy a steam card when i dont habe the money for that and barely enough to feed my son. Is that a real one or a scam.

  273. What about google play cards? My Duggar daddy is asking me to purchase one in order to release the money to my cashapp? 🤔

  274. Today a guy asked me about being a sugar baby. Things he said made it to good to be true. I told him I know he is a scammer and showed me a bogus text from a so called sugar baby. I have all the proof of the entire convo. I didn’t fall for it. I trusted my gut instinct. Google sugar daddy scammers. Ladies and men don’t fall for these so called sugar daddies and mommies

  275. I have caught so many of these scammers in their own lies. It’s funny how I can pick em every time. If they call you dear or baby as soon as you talk to them, run!!! If it sounds too good to be true, it ALWAYS IS!! I’m a single Mom with 3 sons. These Monsters have the audacity to take food out of my Kids’ mouth! Luckily, once I’ve caught them in a few lies, they block me. Be careful everyone!!

  276. i also got scammed. i was sent 2 checks from a “sugar daddy” thought all of this was real so I cash the checks then he asked me for the money back so I sent all the money back to him couple weeks later my account was negative over $2000 called my bank had those two accounts closed but now he saying supposedly I owe money doesn’t know how much money I owe what do i do???

  277. I’ve yet to actually be scammed yet but I don’t think that these guys understand saying you can’t pay me through Venmo or PayPal isn’t anything but a glaring red flag to me that you intend to scam me. I don’t friggin’ want to give you the name of my bank let alone my account info. No one has asked for that yet but … when someone says mobile deposit only to my account excuse me if I get 👀

  278. The girls are as bad as the sugar daddy scammers. Get a job and work for what you want like the rest of the world does. You are trying to get easy money from some lonely old man, he is trying to get easy money from you. I don’t even care if he is the one who ends up scamming you instead of vice versa. Y’all deserve each other.

  279. Yes I had a bunch of stuff happened to me on that website they sent me a check it for all did they come in because my bank account it was a $1500 check it cost 500 bucks I’m still trying to bounce back from that how they gave me every excuse in the book I opened so many different apps it was unbelievable just scammed me and I was just looking not to be scammed is horrifying watch out for these people they are real they are scammers and they will scam you thank you sincerely Michael Scott

  280. I have someone on the app kik named Elizabeth Brittany who wants me to be a sugarbaby and says they will payme $300 twice weekly and doesn’t want any personal information but I dont trust it.

  281. Yes I have been scammed from sugar daddy’s they ask razor gold cards steam cards but not only one but up to 8000$ still say need pay more because the payment is pending I took my last money he said it was last payment for iver a year it’s not even my money I ask to send money back he refuses so I’m getting judge here now its really bad all this sugar daddy’s

  282. I found a sugar daddy from grindr but he told me his bank account is froze and need to send me money through paypal but it need to be unfroze with bitcoin and i kept buying for him till i lost everything. And he even threatened to report me to the police and i got scared and continued to pay him. Till now i dont talk to him anymore and idk what he will do but i did stop talking to him


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