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Our Experience With and Review of SugarDaddyForMe.com

Looking for an in-depth SugarDaddyForMe review from real sugar daters who’ve been there and got the t-shirt? Here’s everything you need to know about this sugar daddy website.

sugar daddy for me review

There are multitudes of sugar dating websites out there but only a few are actually worth your time.

One of these sites is Sugardaddyforme.com. As the first main sugar daddy websites to enter the market way back in 2005, it holds the distinction of being one of the oldest sugar dating websites around.

And thanks to its age and experience, the site is established and huge – with over 4 million members (and growing).




BEST IF YOU LIVE IN: US, UK, Brazil, and Germany

GENDER RATIO: 57% male, 43% female

PRICE: FREE for standard members, paid membership starts at $39.95


A sugar daddy website is only as good as its members. So who are the members on SugarDaddyforMe? Here’s a quick look.

sugardaddyforme reviews

As you can see, the gender split is fairly even on SugarDaddyforMe, but there are slightly more men than women. The website also skews young – slightly over 50% of the members are under 34 years of age.

sugardaddyforme map


If you’re new to the sugar bowl, you’re in good company. SugarDaddyForMe recently surveyed 18,143 of its members and found that the majority are first time sugar babies.

In fact, 63% of the women reported they were trying the sugar bowl for the first time. And while men were more experienced, it was still a good chunk – 44% – who were also new to the game.

SugarDaddyForMe’s website is also incredibly easy for newbies to use. You can be signed up, have a profile created, and be contacting other members in less than 5 minutes.


Getting started on SugarDaddyForMe is incredibly easy.

You just fill out the most basic details:

  • Are you a Sugar Daddy or Sugar Baby?
  • A mobile number
  • Your date of birth
  • A username
  • Password
  • Your email address

Then you choose the membership you want and you’re all set up and ready to start browsing and contacting other members.


For starters, SugarDaddyForMe is completely free to try for 3 days. It doesn’t matter if you are a sugar daddy, sugar mama, or sugar baby – you can trial the website with total access for 3 full days.

But afterwards, you will have to pay to continue using the website. So how much does SugarDaddyForMe cost? Here are the current membership costs.

Choices, choices, choices. Which membership option should you go for?

If you are a sugar daddy wanting the widest reach that will allow you to chat with any sugar baby on the website, you need to spring for the Full Contact option. That allows all sugar babies – even those on free memberships – to contact you.

Because so many sugar babies will stick to the free, standard membership, upgrading your own membership immediately increases the number of babies you can interact with.

What about silver vs gold membership? Gold membership is for those who are willing to pay a little more for special benefits that will help you get noticed faster and easier, like having your profile displayed above other profiles and highlighted in search results.

Your email messages will also be highlighted in the recipient’s inbox, further helping you to beat the competition.


SugarDaddyForMe is completely free for sugar babies…but with a catch.

You see, any sugar baby can sign up and create a profile for free. This standard membership gives you the option to browse member profiles and even to reach out to sugar daddies. But here’s the catch – you can only contact the ones who have paid for a Full Access membership.

To sum up: if you are a sugar baby on a free, standard membership, you can search for and chat with sugar daddies with Full Contact memberships. But you will not be able to interact with sugar daddies who have free, standard memberships.

Overall, a free membership is enough for a sugar baby to search for, chat with, and find a sugar daddy on SugarDaddyForMe. But if you want the widest reach and the ability to contact all the sugar daddies you want – a paid membership may be worth shelling out for.


As you know by now, SugarDaddyForMe can be completely free for sugar babies.

But what you also must know is that this advantage can also be a disadvantage.

Here’s what we mean: Sugar Daddy for Me has a huge member base of sugar daddies, which is both a good and a bad thing. There are tons of men signing up for this site every day and some of them are real sugar daddies…but some of them are not.

There is wheat on this site, but there is also a lot of chaff and you’ll have to spend the time to really separate the wheat from the chaff on this site.

The large member base also means there are a lot of sugar babies on Sugar Daddy for Me. It’s free and anyone can sign up so expect massive sugar baby competition on this site.

If you really wish to avoid being lost in a sea of sugar babies (some active, some not), we highly recommend SugarDaddie.com – it’s paid for both sugar daddies and sugar babies and has a strikingly low number of spammy, outdated, and fake profiles.

That being said, Sugar Daddy for Me is still one of our favorite sugar daddy sites for one main reason: It has proven the best site to find Allowance Daddies.


Perhaps it’s because of the huge member base on this site or maybe it’s just the simple ease of the features. Either way, it proved a great site to find arrangement-minded sugar daddies.

One of our sugar daters, Caitlin, tested this website over the course of three weeks, during which time she messaged and chatted with around two dozen sugar daddies on this site.

Here’s what she found, in a nutshell.


  • BE PROACTIVE. Making a profile is just the beginning. Most free sugar dating sites feature new sugar babies which is why you’ll get barraged by interested emails in the first couple of days. But in a week or so, the number of messages you receive decline drastically. Prevent this from happening by both “Featuring” your profile and proactively messaging promising sugar daddies.
  • STAY LOGGED IN. Take full advantage of SugarDaddyForMe’s Chat function. It’s awesome. Keep yourself logged on when you’re surfing the Internet to make it easier for sugar daddies who are logged on to message you.
  • TAKE NOTES. When you’re talking to a lot of sugar daddies, you’re going to need something to keep track of things so that you can make every POT feel like they’re special. SugarDaddyForMe has a notepad icon under each profile’s picture that you can use to keep notes of every single member you talk to.


Caitlin met several potential sugar daddies through the Chat function, one of which she entered into an arrangement with.

What she found in the couple weeks on this website is that: There are a lot of sugar daddies…and sugar daddy wannabes on this site. She corresponded with around two dozen potential sugar daddies.

Of these, she ended up talking on the phone with around a dozen. She vetted these even further and ended up going on dates with four potential sugar daddies. All of the first dates went incredibly well.

In detail…

FIRST SUGAR DATE. The first date was with a retired lawyer in his early 50s who was obviously well-off and looking for some fun, but he had never had an arrangement before and seemed more intent on going on first dates with fun sugar babies instead of actually getting into an arrangement. Pass.

SECOND SUGAR DATE. The second date was with a businessman also in his early 50s. He was a genuinely sweet man but he traveled immensely and it took nearly 2 weeks to arrange a first date with him. He showed massive interest in an arrangement and wanted to talk further about the terms…but his work took him away again. Phone conversations were had and since Caitlin wanted some assurance that an arrangement would take place, she suggested a gift. He agreed. He never followed through. Pass.

THIRD SUGAR DATE. The third date was completely unexpected – he initiated a chat and she uncharacteristically agreed to a super casual first date at a local restaurant (within an hour). The potential sugar daddy was only in his early 30s and Caitlin was dubious about his sugar daddy cred, but still curious. An hour into the first date, he asked her what it’d take for him to have her as his sugar baby. She said they could discuss the terms after the first date. At the end of the date, he gave her a small gift of a few hundred dollars for her time.

Over the phone, Caitlin let him know her allowance range. He readily agreed. They arranged to meet again sometime in the coming week to work out the details.

FOURTH SUGAR DATE. But then the fourth date happened. Although she’d already had an offer, Caitlin wanted to meet this fourth potential sugar daddy. He was an entrepreneur in his early 40s, extremely easy-going, and there was a great dynamic from the very first conversation.

They made dinner plans – her choice of restaurant – and they had a great time. He called immediately after the date to ask for her allowance range. For him, she asked for $4,500 per month. He readily agreed. And he showed up the next day to hand her the full amount on a pre-paid card. Needless to say, he became her sugar daddy.


This sugar daddy website is built for simplicity. Some people may call it low-tech but what it lacks in advanced features, it makes up for in an easy-to-use interface that provides just what you need to find your sugar arrangement.

Here are the most useful features that every sugar dater on this site should be taking advantage of:


SugarDaddyForMe has a search feature that lets you filter members based things like:

  • Age
  • Online or not
  • Has photos
  • Location (within 5 miles to 50,000+ miles)
  • Marital status
  • Race
  • Body type (i.e. athletic, cuddly, slim)
  • Birthday

You can, of course, use this search function to expedite your sugar search. On top of that, we recommend checking out the “Recent Users Photos” as that will give you a quick snapshot of all the recent, ready-to-mingle members you might find attractive.


Another fun way to search is to simply click on the “Click Here to See Who’s Online” which is at the bottom of pretty much every page. And once you see who’s online, you can initiate a Chat.

Sending a sugar daddy or a sugar baby an intriguing message via mail is a great way to get the conversation started. But what’s better is to do it in real time – aka Chat.

In our experience, members are a lot more likely to respond when you’ve caught them while they’re online. Plus, you can quickly get a feel for whether you’ll get along and suss out other important details, like what they’re looking for in the sugar world.


The thing about SugarDaddyForMe is that they have a huge member base. Within a week of joining the website, you’ll have chatted and messaged dozens of members.

So how do you keep track of them all?

Our favorite, very useful feature was the Notepad that’s found on every member’s profile. Just click on the icon and you can access private notes. What a brilliant way to easily remember unique facts about the sugar daddies or sugar babies you’ve talked to.


The great thing about using a sugar daddy website that has been around for so long and with such a large member base is that they can do very useful things. Like conduct surveys that give you insight into the member base.

Here are a couple interesting tidbits you may like to know about the members on SugarDaddyForMe.

  • If you’re a sugar daddy, you’re in luck. Most of the sugar babies – a whopping 91% – on SugarDaddyForMe reported that they don’t have a sugar daddy at the moment. That means there are a lot of fish in the sugar baby sea.
  • First dates are for dating. Despite what people assume about the sugar world, most of us are looking for connection more than just simple sex. According to the survey, 55% of sugar babies and 46% of sugar daddies reported they had never had sex on the first date.
  • Deal breakers to avoid. Knowing what are the biggest turn-offs is key to not doing them. Of the sugar babies surveyed, 39% said that an aggressive or controlling sugar daddy would be a deal breaker. On the other hand, only 16% said dishonesty or being cheap with money would be a relationship killer. For sugar daddies, though, dishonesty was a huge deal breaker, with 41% reporting it as a no-go.


So, what’s the overall verdict? Is this sugar daddy website worth your time and effort?

For us, we’re going to give it a resounding YES.

It does have a large member base so you will have to take the time to search through the chaff and find the wheat, but overall, Sugar Daddy for Me has a lot of strong features that have made it one of the best sugar daddy websites for almost twenty years now.

In our sugar dating experience, it’s also had the highest percentage of sugar daddies who have agreed to an allowance-based arrangement. As such, we’d recommend this site as the go-to place for sugar babies looking for an Allowance Daddy.

And for sugar daddies, it’s an affordable site that allows you to reach a lot of sugar babies with ease.

Try it today, if you aren’t already on it – it’s free 🙂


Got more questions about SugarDaddyForMe? Here’s a little list of the most popular ones.

Is SugarDaddyForMe Safe?

Here’s a little known truth: every dating website has fake and scammy profiles. In fact, expert analysis found that around 10% of all new dating profiles created were fake.

And sugar sites are no exception. It doesn’t how legitimate or secure a website is, the scammers will try to find a way.

While SugarDaddyForMe is a safe, secure website – there will always be a few bad eggs on every dating website. The best thing you can do is learn to recognize the signs of a fake profile and protect yourself from common scams.

Is SugarDaddyForMe Legit?

Absolutely. This sugar daddy website has been around since 2005 and has been featured on The Montel Williams Show, Good Morning America, The Tyra Banks Show, CBS, documentaries and countless other publications.

Simply put – a business does not stick around for nearly 20 years with so much public attention on it if it isn’t keeping the majority of its customers happy.

Every dating website will have its share of disingenuous members and even scammers but the vast majority of members on SugarDaddyForMe are looking for the same thing we all are: sugar.

Does SugarDaddyForMe Have an App?

It’s such an easy website to use. Wouldn’t it great if there was also an app?

But alas, not yet. As of now, SugarDaddyForMe does not have an app.

What it does have, though, is a new feature where you can receive chats while you’re offline and reply to them via SMS.

All of this is completely private and your phone number is not shown to other members you are chatting with.

How Long Does It Take to Find a Sugar Daddy on SugarDaddyForMe?

In our experience, it took about 3 weeks from joining the website. Of course, it will be different for everyone depending on factors like:

  • your location (are there enough sugar daddies or babies in your area?)
  • what sort of arrangement you’re looking for (allowance arrangements can take longer)
  • how proactive you are in your search

Is My Privacy Protected on SugarDaddyForMe?

When it comes to protecting your privacy, we’d rate SugarDaddyForMe as very, very good. For starters, in the nearly 20 years that the website has been online, it has never been hacked.

It also has great privacy features. For example, you can use SugarDaddyForMe completely anonymously by setting your account to private. This allows you to browse the website anonymously.

Editor’s Note: Recently updated in Feburary 2023.

27 thoughts on “Our Experience With and Review of SugarDaddyForMe.com”

  1. This site is not fully FREE. You can sign up for Free but you can not reply to any SD without Upgrading to a paid membership. This should be clearly stated.

    • I know! I signed up thinking the same thing that it was free only to see that you have to pay to even message people back? Why did they not state this? Annoyed…

  2. This site is not fully free for sugar babies at all. It told me that I had to get a free trial in order to do anything. This is wholly unfair. I don’t think sugar babies should have to pay at all. Also this info needs to be updated on these advice blogs.

  3. This site is definitely not free. Sugardaddie.com give you a month for 10 dollars then after that it’s full price. A 3day trial is not worth the time because you will have to be careful who you think os the real sugar daddy verses the fake one’s.

    • You click on the message not his name you can reply to men that pay. Trust me I have over 100 messages and I’ve replied to some.Thanks Olivia ???

    • Hi Toni, no dating website is really entirely free – even the typical “free” ones like POF and OKC offers upgraded options. What we mean is that it’s free for a sugar baby to use to interact with, message, meet up with and overall, find a sugar daddy, which is pretty darn good. I, as well as several other sugar babies have used this site successfully – for free – to find sugar daddies (and meet a lot of POTs in the process :)). Of course, upgrading can help get more attention, etc., but it’s not really necessary. Hope that helps!

      • I have found some real sugar and some Splenda if you will. They all seem to give phone numbers on first contact. Pull you from the site.
        It is free for sugar babies to communicate to full member sugar daddies.
        Some have me concerned as I was asked to get an iTunes gift card to unlock money to be sent western union. Before ever meeting. Strange.

        • That is strange. I have talked to 2 SDS that I think are frauds today. Both asked me to give them my bank information so they could send me money before we had even met. The first guy asked for my bank info so he could send me 300 dollars today. I told him he could send it to my Paypal and he refused. The second guy asked for my bank info so he could add me to his pay roll. I told him he could send to my Paypal, Western Union or Walmart but I wouldn’t give my bank info. He never replied. Am I the one in the wrong here or am I right about not giving my banking info?

          • You are so right. They’ll deposit other people checks in your account. I got scammed like that before from a girl. I was just talking to a few and 2 of them asked me who do I bank with and how long I’ve been banking there. It’s a scam. It will get your account closed and you won’t be able to open 1 anytime soon. If they can’t use PayPal or western union, don’t ever give them your bank info.

      • No, I signed up today and it stated I couldn’t even message men back unless I paid. I don’t have any money, that is the reason I am on the site in the first place. What good is it if I can’t even message people back?

  4. I want other people’s opinions. I’ve talked with a few different SDS the past few days. 2 different men told me they’d send me money before ever meeting, except they want my bank info. The first guy told me he’d send me 300 dollars today if I gave him my bank info. I told him he could send to my Paypal instead and he said he couldnt. The other guy said he wanted to be my SD and told me he needed my bank info to be put on his payroll. I told him he could send to my Paypal instead or send Western Union or Walmart. He didn’t reply.. my question.. am I right in not giving men my bank info? Is it a scam like I think it is or am I the one in the wrong? Can someone give me some advice about this?

    • Bleh, heck no you are not in the wrong! Those people who are asking for your bank info are trolling for suspect reasons such as stealing your identity. So KUDOS to you for NOT giving up any of your information! On the other hand, it sure seems to be quite competitive on the sugar daddy side of things, no? Do you ladies agree that there seems to be tons of Daddy’s, plenty to choose from?

      p.s. Alisa et al, looking for a sugar daddy are you? Well i am a laid back 40 something, never tried this sugar thing before but I might just try it out if it doesn’t require a ton of work getting to that point. If any of you young ladies would like to chat about things in further detail feel free to send me a msg at caliwebman (at sign) gmail.

      Love, Light and Power!

  5. I tried signing up for Sugar Daddy For Me but as a Baby you only get like 3 days free trial before having to pay for it.

  6. I don’t know when you signed up, but I just tried to yesterday. Creating a profile is still free, but you can no longer read messages or send messages without paying a fee first.

  7. i have questions because i signed up for the website and i got messages immediate and we communicated but they all wanted me to buy a OneVanilla card from Walmart and the website said this card is not re-loadable. i feel like i was being scammed and when i called them out on it. they would lie. i do my research because they was all eager to send me money but wouldn’t send to Walmart or the actual re-loadable MyVanilla card. i’m hoping i am doing the right thing i want a sugardaddy but i don’t want to be scammed or lied 2. and if i cant received the money the way i want i shouldn’t do it right? what is the best way to receive money from a sugardaddy

  8. im on this site and it wont let me upload pictures and had over 100 inboxes and they all appear to be scams, sad part i am a paid member for sugarbaby

  9. This site is not free for sugar babies. I went through all the signup for it, and STILL got asked for a card. False advertising.


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